The amount of greatness lies in that what you believe about yourself.
Quote from Henry Ford: Wether you think you can or you can’t you are right.
As you may have read in my other articles. I’m a creative artist on a journey to entrepreneurship. I’m always fascinated and inspired by people that have turned their passion into their dream job. I believe the reason so many people get a burn-out or drop out of school is because we are living in a society where you are being formed. You go to school and get a few job options to pick out and that is what you have to become. There is no interest in who you are and what your talents truly are. If you don’t have the personality to hold on to your own passion you will sooner or later find yourself doing something or working in a field that is not completing you. The best organization or managers are those that invest and truly want to see you grow in your capacities. They know that when you perform at your best, in that what you have been called to do, you will be a major asset to the organization. This is one of the success of Apple. They work with all kinds of creative people and invest in their capacities. Unfortunately, there are a lot of organizations that haven’t discovered this key of success yet.
The meaning of entrepreneurship
Let’s start with the definition of an entrepreneur: Individuals that have idea’s for products and/or services that they turn into a working business. In earlier times this term was reserved for men. Women were there to help in business only if it was necessary. In many cases, they were trying to avoid poverty or filling in the loss of a spouse. Women have always been in business, they just never got public credits for their efforts. And even today we women in The Netherlands has an income that is 18,6% lower than men doing the same work and for the same amount of working hours.
They are creative, problem solvers, they have lots of ideas, but there is no place or room for their idea’s or creativity in the organization they work. There are no jobs for them out there that meets up with their potentials. That’s why they choose to take control of their own professional destiny. Other reasons besides pursuing a passion are, freedom, flexible work schedule, self- sufficiency, personal satisfaction, personal development and financial independence. Especially in today’s economy, nothing is for sure. Today you can be the manager of a team, tomorrow you can be laid off for someone younger and cheaper.
There are female entrepreneurs in all businesses. You have them in management, finance, sales, art, science, technical services, healthcare, social assistance and more. The participation of female entrepreneurs varies in high and low percentages around the world. As in Zambia 40% of women are engaged in entrepreneurship while Pakistan only has 1% women in entrepreneurship. Latin American/ Carribean economy has shown a percentage of 15% women engaged in entrepreneurship. Europe, Asia and Israel have low rates of 5%.
You have an idea and now what?
What I always say to people with a passion or an idea. Surround yourself with the people who are already in the field of what you are doing. Research on the internet with google about what is already going on and what is still missing. Read books and don’t forget to write your vision down. Make a business plan, put your idea’s on paper is the first step of making it practical.
Go to business events or seminars. If that step is too challenging for you, I definitely suggest you to do it. But other suggestions are online seminars or Skype events. Prepare your questions and your pitch for attending to such events. Your Pitch is a short sale/presentation of your business idea. I have been reading a book of Donald Trump. The way to success. He suggests, practice to be able to present your pitch in three minutes. Only say what is absolutely necessary.
Click the link for an example of how a business plan should look like.
Dutch version: http://www.ondernemersplein.nl/ondernemen/bedrijf-starten/een-ondernemingsplan-maken/
I’m a huge fan of Dummies. For international business plans go to: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/business-plans-for-dummies-cheat-sheet.html
And if you want to visit, events to learn more about female entrepreneurship, you should definitely check out Women, Inc on: http://www.womeninc.nl/agenda/
They also helped me promoting my poetry show: The Voice of A woman in 2013. So if you need support in promotion I recommend Women Inc. They organize all kinds of events and workshops. On 25th of June they have a workshop on how to negotiate. A business skill that women don’t use very often comparing to men. So I already marked this date in my agenda. Another interesting event for female entrepreneurs is organized by Superladies: http://www.nlsupervrouwen.nl/#home
Remember, you don’t have to be an entrepreneur yet to visit events or seminars like these. You go out to network, to be inspired and to learn from others.
Last but not least, something I’m also learning, take a step no matter how small. Invest in yourself, don’t be afraid to fall and don’t beat yourself on the head if things aren’t going as fast or the way you expected them to go. Push through, one step at a time. Practice makes perfect.
If you have any other suggestions, tips, advice, experiences feel free to share your story. If you want to inspire someone out there feel free to share my post. Love to hear from you.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
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