I’m not here to say that it’s always easy. Believe me when I say I had moments I cried, I screamed, I got upset, got angry, didn’t understand anything of what was going on. Didn’t understand anything of God’s plan. But everytime He showed me that He was right there. He would send someone to bless me. Or He would give me a word through a preaching. A little child at work would say something special or would ask me to pray with her. Or a colleague would say how much I have blessed her. God always finds a way to show His love to you. He would show me His kindness and everytime I had to go back on my knees and humble myself. The funny thing is that after my crazy childish act, God would always give me my time to cry and after I cried my eyes out, He would say: When you are finished, I want you to get back up, put your head up high and don’t quit. Here I felt Faith pushing me to continue. To continue not to give up and not to settle for mediocrity or less. So through all the pain I still felt Faith pushes me to go further or to dig deeper within myself. There are treasures God placed inside of us that can only grow and bear fruit through pressure. Just like a diamond. Only pressure can make a diamond. Test and trials may come, but we have the promises of God that He would not leave or forsake us. And we have the promise that when we keep our eyes on God through the season of test and trials we will reap the fruit of our faith. We will be rewarded after the storm is over. Isn’t that a beautiful promise to hold on to Faith no matter what.
So I want to encourage you, no matter what you are going through right now. God sees it all. He knows it all. He is right there by your side. Pray and ask him what He wants you to learn from this season? What is inside of you that you feel you have to do? Sometimes we are being pushed to dig deep within ourselves because the gifts and talents, the answers are already there. There is always a reason for our seasons. Don’t give up believing, don’t give up on your dreams, keep your head up high. Know that after the season is over through Faith you will be rewarded for your Faith in God.
Faith: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
Hebrews 11:1
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