More of You came forth after prayer, or actually while I was praying with my face flat on the floor. I was in tears cause I was tired of me and myself standing in God's way. I was tired of reading about all the promises and not seeing it come to pass, or seeing just little victories. I know and have always known in the core of my bones that God is real. No theory God, but a true living God. If you have ever had an encounter with God, you know, that you know, that you know that God is for real. He will speak to you in a dream, through a person and even through non believers. God can, and will use anybody or anything to answer a prayer or to get to your soul.
The reason we can't hear him is because all of the distractions in life. Television, Social Media, Music, Work, School. We do so much nowadays that we get uncomfortable to be with ourselves. When it's still and quiet, and the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat. We don't know what to do with it and turn on music. We get on social media, call or app our friends. Anything to beat the silence in and around us. And that is exactly what God needs. That we come to the child within us, that is willing, that is open, that is pure. He wants us to come back to the heart of worship. That doesn't mean God wants you to be perfect. He want's you just the way that you are. With all your imperfections and flaws, with your
It's important for us as Christians to know that we cannot find our happiness in things, we cannot find our joy in things and we cannot find our purpose in things if we don't find ourselves in Christ first. In him we find our true identity. In Him we live, move and have our being. When we find ourselves in Him, he will show us the hidden gifts and talents that lives within us. In God we will find the keys to unlock the gifts and talents to our purpose. We won't find it outside God. Yes, you may find a good thing, but you don't just want a good thing. You want the things from above. By that I mean you can have good things, but everything has a season and will pass away. You want your God given purpose that will lead and bring forth life. That is the ultimate goal of being called and chosen by the Lord. God didn't call or choose us to be like the world, but to show and represent His kingdom. He called us to show His unconditional love and to share words of life. We have been called to be the light in the world, to be the salt of the earth. We have been called to be like Christ.
Many times we pray and ask God to use us in a mighty way. We pray for miracles, signs and wonders, but we don't want to spend time with him. Or we just have instant fast prayers, and I use to do that too. But there is a reason why Christ woke up at dawn to pray. We cannot expect to walk in God's power if we don't make time to work on our relationship with Him. I am not saying that I am perfect, cause I am not. I do know that if we want more of the great I am, we have to seek him more, pray more, and really hunger to become more like His son. Less of ourselves and more of Him. I came to this point when I got tired of me, myself and I, me living in my comfort zone, tired of trying things on my own, in my own strength. I really wanted to see, hear and feel God's presence more than anything. God said it in His word. He is the everlasting God. He who was, is, and is to come. So I knew for myself if I couldn't hear Him, If I couldn't feel Him, I had to do some self research. I had to surrender and lay it all down at His feet. And yes, the atmosphere started to shift, things started to change. He has been renewing my mind and I have been hearing His voice so much clearer and louder. I am so enjoying the presence of The Lord and where He is taking me. God has a plan for each and every one of us, but it can only be revealed if we stay close to Him. If we seek Him and stay in alignment with Him.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7
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