Must Reads

donderdag 25 december 2014

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Merry Merry Christmas xxxxxx

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Merry Merry Christmas xxxxxx: I wish you all a merry merry Christmas. Laugh more, forgive more, and love more. Drop a message and let me know what lesson you are taki...

Merry Merry Christmas xxxxxx

I wish you all a merry merry Christmas. Laugh more, forgive more, and love more. Drop a message and let me know what lesson you are taking with you that you have learned the last year. What is it that you want to take to a higher level in 2015?

vrijdag 19 december 2014

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Poetrybook: Visions Thoughts & Dreams

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Poetrybook: Visions Thoughts & Dreams: It's almost Christmas  I'm giving my books away for 10 Euro

If you don't have a Christmas gift yet, bless somebody with t...

Poetrybook: Visions Thoughts & Dreams

It's almost Christmas I'm giving my books away for 10 Euro

If you don't have a Christmas gift yet, bless somebody with this inspiring, faith based Poetry bookVisions, Thoughts & Dreams

Poetry book: Visions, Thoughts and Dreams/ Visies, Gedachten en Dromen. Is a poetry book written in English and also translated into Dutch. We all have our own journey and destination to go. Without a vision or a dream you are just living life to survive and that is not how life is supposed to be. God gives us a vision, thoughts and dreams to fulfill. He wants us to live life to the fullness. Storms, battles and mountains can put you on the wrong road in this life. With these poems and scriptures I want to encourage you to find your Visions, Thoughts and Dreams back. 

Dit is een tweetalig gedichten boek. Het is geschreven in Nederlands en Engels. Het gaat over de Visies, Gedachten en Dromen die God een ieder van ons geeft. Het is zijn wil dat we het uiterste uit het leven halen. Helaas kunnen zorgen en problemen in het leven ervoor zorgen dat we die passie, de visie, gedachten en dromen vergeten of zelfs kwijtraken. Dat is niet Gods wil, met deze gedichten en bijbelteksten hoop ik u te bemoedigen om uw Visies, Gedachten en Dromen weer terug te vinden.

For orders, send me a message and I will contact you :)

woensdag 10 december 2014

My Birthday

Last week, the 2nd of December was my birthday. I have been blessed with 35 beautiful and healthy years.
I celebrated my birthday by doing what I love the most. I celebrated my birthday with my mom at the spa. I enjoyed the Hamam, the massage, the food, drinks, the swimming and sauna. I always love to travel, and do something adventurous and spoil myself with my Birthday. I believe its good and important to celebrate that special day in your life. It’s good and gives you so much joy when you take the time to reflect over all the other years. When you learn to count your blessings and have a thankful heart, it does something to your inner being. It transforms you. You feel richer and you will be blessed with more. It was a wonderful and relaxed day.

I also got some beautiful presents from one of my closest friends, Elisa. She is an expert when it comes to house, design, fashion and style. She made these for me. A beautiful white vase with an African flavor and the beautiful inspiring words: I am a woman - Phenomally. And a beautiful bag with my own label: Visions, Thoughts and Dreams. That is what I do and stand for. Going around and inspiring others to follow their heart, their dreams and visions.

If you want to see more of her work, check out:

I love to see people standing up and following their hearts. Soon more to come from these beautiful and talented ladies.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing