Must Reads

zondag 10 november 2019

What happened in London

Mission complete. My vlog just went on the air. I went to London in September. Yes, guys September. It's November. (due to Computer problems)
But we made it, the travel vlog to London is out! Watch, enjoy and look at all 
Don't forget to go to my YouTube channel (Click link) page and show your sister some support by liking the video and subscribe. It's all for free 


woensdag 18 september 2019

Purpose talk: What to do when life overwhelms/ Play with the waves in life

"When Life Overwhelms Go And Play With The Waves"

I hope you'll having a beautiful and blessed day. So last Sunday we were blessed with the sun again.
I immediately thought I have to go to the beach, don't know when the sun will return. And honestly I had to get out, away from all the noise and all the distractions.
I have always felt a connection with water. I love swimming, I love the sound of the water, I love the ocean, and I just get energy when I look at water. Yes can you tell I am a Caribbean girl. So when I heard the sound of the waves and saw the majestic power of the ocean, I felt Gods presence so near. It was powerful, cause I didn't need to pay anything to be able to see it, feel it, touch it or smell it. It was just there, free for everybody to experience and embrace! At that moment everything seemed so unnecessary. All the wisdom of the world, all the hard labor, all the riches, all the fame, all the power, I just saw it all sink down to the bottom of the sea. It made me realize once again, the only thing that truly matter is our relationship with God, our Creator. One day everything else will fall away and the only thing that will sustain is our relationship with God! So when life overwhelms go out and learn to play with the waves and see how everything else just falls away.

If you have been inspired, Like, share this video to inspire someone else and subscribe to stay up to date!
Thank you all ;) xxx


dinsdag 10 september 2019

Angela Bassett Gives An Empowering Speech As She Accepts The Icon Award ...

Woman of Purpose

Let her words resonate in your heart and soul for a minute. Get yourself up and move on!
There is too much life and purpose waiting on the inside to be released. Don't let them tell you No, Never accept their limited belief about who you are, and don't allow them to stop you from your greatness!
You are a queen no matter what. Remember that! You have everything you need, inside of you!
Get to work!


zaterdag 10 augustus 2019

Are you aware of the food that you eat?

Woman of Purpose
How aware are you of the food you eat? Do you know what you put in your body? Questions I have been serieus thinking and asking myself since two years now. The reason is that I started to have some unexplainable health challenges. Also, because I have an older sister that became FOOD AWARE. Meaning, she was telling the whole family that Maggie is deadly and has ingredients that produces cancer cells. This got me to thinking and inspired me to do my own research about food. After I started a research on healthy food and meat I immediatly got a wake up call. So much of the food that we buy in the supermarkets today have ingredients that are toxic and deathly for our bodies, hormones and cells.
How crazy is that huh?
You would expect the government, the system would protect the health of the community/people. The hard truth is they don't. In one of my research I found out that pharmacy and all these junk food restaurants work in a sort of way together and are being funded by one big system. Think about it, what would happen if everybody would be healthy and didn't need any medical support? The whole pharmaceutical industry would collapse and go bankrupt.
But truth need to be told! At the end we all have our own responsibility of what we are eating. We are stewards of our bodies and we have a responsibility to use our God given wisdom and put it into practice when it comes to our health. The world is constantly changing in every area and in every way. And also our food production in the supermarkets. Fruits and vegetables, for example get bigger, perfectly formed and more and more shiny. And when I look around today it's like more and more people are being diagnosed with sickness and illness. Eczeme, ADHD, ODD, Autisme, etc. It's like more and more people, even children get cancer and die at very young ages, nowadays. Where did all these diseases came from like the last 50 + years?
It's crazy but what I often times have seen happening and big chance you have seen it too. That people pray, (I have done it too. Crazy  over their plate full of junkfood and ask God to bless the food and that it may be nurishing to the body. God snapped me out of it very fast! God has given us wisom and we have the responsibility to put it into practice.
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy spirit and we are stewards of our bodies. How well are we treating it? I know that for a long time I lacked wisdom and knowlegde about real healthy food and herbs. I thought I was eating pretty healthy, until I did some research on what I was really putting into my body. And know that I know better I want to do better. I hope you ladies are feeling the same and that this may get you to thinking about the next meal you gonna prepare. Next to our spiritual life we also have a responsibility to take care of our physical health. If we want to fulfill and walk out our divine purpose in strength and good health we have to take some time and reflect on what we are consuming. And then put it into practice.
For example, I was addicted to sugar. I needed it in everything. I stopped buying it. The last time I bought sugar now is like 3 years ago. I now have more energie and I also lost alot of weight. Im still working the healthy foodlife style out. Im not there yet, but I am more aware now and I am working on it!
So I really hope this may inspire you ladies to reflect and become more aware of the food you are consuming. If you are allready aware and living a healhty food lifestyle. Connenct with me. I'm planning some new interviews for the talkshow about health and food!
If you have any tips / advice on healthy food. Post it in this group!
Love to hear from you ❤️

zaterdag 27 juli 2019

Woman of Purpose in gesprek met Life Coach Marjorie Volkerts over depressie

Woman of Purpose
Vandaag heb ik een speciale episode voor jullie vanuit de Woman of Purpose Platform. Vanuit de Woman of Purpose platform zijn wij overtuigd dat iedereen gaven en talenten van God ontvangen heeft om daarmee een bijdrage te leveren aan deze samenleving.
Iedereen heeft een roeping op zijn/haar leven, niemand uitgesloten. Vanuit de Woman of Purpose platform wil ik naast purpose ook met jullie in gesprek gaan over levens veranderende onderwerpen die onze visie op purpose in het leven kunnen beïnvloeden. Denk aan fysieke en mentale gezondheid. Onze mentale gesteldheid wordt vaak vergeten terwijl dit net zo van belang is als onze lichamelijke gezondheid.
Daarom heb ik voor vandaag een speciale episode voor Woman of Purpose. Een episode waarin ik in gesprek zal gaan met een woman of purpose over depressie. Een onderwerp waar niet altijd even openlijk over gesproken wordt maar wat wel heel reëel is in de tijd waarin we vandaag leven.
Hiervoor ga ik in deze aflevering in gesprek met Marjorie Volkerts over haar ervaring en haar beleving met depressie. Zij zal spreken vanuit haar eigen levenservaring en vanuit haar expertise als eigenaresse van Embrace life coaching.
In dit gesprek zal Marjorie Volkerts het hebben over zelfkennis, balans in je leven, communicatie, grenzen en prioriteiten stellen en het alle belangrijkste verantwoordelijkheid nemen. Om uiteindelijk verder te kunnen na een depressie is het nemen van eigen verantwoordelijkheid key. Luister mee naar Marjorie's levenservaring en leer van haar tips als ervaringsdeskundige.
Woman of Purpose hoort graag hoe je dit gesprek hebt ervaren en wat voor gesprekken je graag nog meer zou willen horen.
Ben je geraakt, heb je wat geleerd of wil je meer weten. Laat het ons dan weten.
And of course we can use all of your support. Share, Like and Subscribe.

dinsdag 9 juli 2019

How I travel cheap to Brussel/ Europe

Hello My Beloved Social Media Family ;) :)
I just love saying that.

Hey guys you all know me as a woman that looooooovvveeeesss to travel and go on adventures. I should do that more.
So last week I jumped on the flixbus, bought myself a ticket to Brussel for 8,99 Euro and left.
I was there a short few hours, but I truly enjoyed. I vlogged about it, so you can check out my traveling vlog about Brussel.

Check it out and let me know what are your favorite spots to travel to ?

And you know the drill, support my channel its all free. All you have to do is like, share, subscribe and hit the notification bell.
Thank you ;)


vrijdag 21 juni 2019

How I booked the commercial for Crystal Clear

Hello guys, ladies,

Today I will be talking on how I got to be booked for the latest commercial for Crystal Clear. In this video a lil snippet in the life of a artist, on how I auditioned and all that went down to have this commercial released.

Like, share & Subscribed


zondag 16 juni 2019

Woman of Purpose/ Realtalk

Woman of Purpose is looking for
Woman to talk about Anxiety /Fear/ Depression.
I want to get real and have authentic conversations about Anxiety/ Fear/ Depression. So many people are dealing with this. Inside and outside the church. Yet nobody wants to talk about it! Cause it would shame us, or mean we have a lack of faith in God and ourselves. So we suffer in our own silence, embarrassed to share and open up about what is really going on inside.
We are living in an age where we all want to be perfect for the world outside, be the best version of ourselves, have our own businesses, be our own bosses, we want to have the perfect family, drive the latest car, wear the newest Gucci bag, have the latest iPhone, and live in the perfect house. We sacrifice our time, our health, our whole being trying to keep up with a lifestyle we can show off with. But to whom? For who? We want to follow everything and everybody and we want to be followed by everything and everybody cause we don't want to miss out. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with wanting to have a luxury lifestyle and having big goals but we have to keep it real. Every goal comes with a sacrifice. And we shouldn't hide away or feel a shame from sharing the ugly, painful, raw sacrifices as well.
We live in a, (I call it microwave age) of producing, being perfect, being the best without going through the season of falling, grieve, molding, learning. We want instant gratification. All of this brings so much pressure, that we often times forget what it really means to live life in the moment. To be transformed from the inside out, to reflect, to build character and to work on our relationships. I too experience the pressure of life, the pressure of where I am in life, the pressure of time, the ticking of my biological clock.
Yes, my painful truth! Being a 39 single woman has been putting so much pressure on me.
I too have been dealing with depressed feelings and thoughts cause I felt like a failure. Why didn't I achieve all that I prayed for, all that I worked for, all that I studied for, all that I believed for.
Why was I in this place. Did God forgot about me? Did He oversee me? Why is this single season, taking soooo long. What do I have to learn from all of this? Why do I have to deal with these health issues? Why is my feminity/womanhood being attacked? What's going on? I felt as if my body gave up on me? It felt like losing all control over my life. Too many layers I could not carry any more. All of this brought me in a dark place, I daily fight hard to not fall back into. Life often times can be hard, difficult and painful. And yet we still manage to walk around with a smile on our face as if everything is perfect. I have been guilty on this 2. More and more I'm learning to open up and be real about my journey and the season I'm in.
I had moments where I felt like I'm just gonna stop and let it all go. Being tired of fighting all the time. Then God sends a word, a message, a sister, a brother or even a heart of a total stranger. Letting me know not to give up, not to give in. He shows me He is not letting go of me and my life still has purpose, even though I can't see it all the time. Sometimes I only see one part of the vision I need to work on. That is then what I try to do. One step at a time. Through my pain, through my struggles, through my own journey I try to encourage others, try to listen and try to stay positive. And one thing that I experienced throughout the Poetry&Talkshows, throughout my stormy seasons how encouraging, how empowering, how hopeful it is to share our stories, to talk about our feelings, to be authentic and to be real with one another.
That is what I also want for my Woman of Purpose Talkshow. I want to keep it real. Life comes in seasons, the Ups and Downs. We can't only talk about our Ups and ignore the Downs. They both matter, that is what forms us to become strong and purposeful ladies. I recently heard about the 3 P's. Your Past, Your Pain forms Your Purpose. Our Purpose is birthed from the pain of our past. God uses everything for our good. Some powerful revelation to think about. That is why I want to have these conversations to talk with other ladies that have been dealing with anxiety, fear, or depression and hear how they have been tackling it or how they live through it right now! What keeps them going, what is it that gives them hope back again, how are they dealing and fighting to get their lives back?
If you are a Woman that can relate to this, do you have your own journey of fighting giants, feelings, emotions, sickness, loss, disappointments anything that has led you to a place of anxiety and/or depression? If you are a woman who is not afraid to be open and authentic about her life journey and that would love to inspire and encourage another woman with her life testimony I would love to hear from you.
Send me a message and I will get back to you.
Let's keep it real! ❤️

 Note: This is a call for all woman, not just black woman.


woensdag 12 juni 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview with Gospelsinger Ronda Rensch

Woman of Purpose
The first time I saw this beautiful woman was on stage at church. She has a beautiful and powerful voice and always knows how to dress. She has a warm and loving personality and with a confidence of faith she owns her talents and gifts. That makes her the powerful and unique performing artist that she is. She is a gospel singer and has traveled and performed national and international with gospel choirs. She is a vocal coach that will always encourage you, and believes in the potentials that God has placed in you. She cares for your soul, your voice and your sound. If you want to hear a bit of her voice I recommend you to listen to the whole interview.

If you are interested in booking an amazing artist for your event, wedding or to encourage you at any event you can contact Ronda. If you are looking for a qualified vocal coach you can connect with Ronda. You can find more about Ronda Rensch on her Facebook: Ronda Rensch or on Instagram: Uniqueronda

If you want to listen to the interview on a podcast click the link below.

If you have been inspired we would love for you to leave a comment. Love to hear from you guys.


woensdag 10 april 2019

Vrouw & Moederdag

Het is alweer een tijdje geleden...... maar heel fijn om weer wat te organiseren. Samen met mijn vriendin/zuster Elisa Makay oprichtster House of Shira organiseer ik een Vrouw en Moederdag event. Lees hieronder meer over het event.

Moederdag is een mooie dag. Een speciale dag waarop we alle moeders in het zonnetje zetten, maar dit is niet voor iedereen zo vanzelfsprekend. Helaas groeit niet iedereen op met een moeder in huis, sommige moeders doen afstand, sommige moeders leven niet meer, sommige moeders verliezen een kind, en sommige vrouwen verlangen naar moederschap maar kunnen om verschillende redenen geen kinderen krijgen.

Wat doet dit met
de vrouw? Hoe gaan wij als vrouwzijnde hiermee om? Hoe open zijn wij naar elkaar toe over deze onderwerpen? Al deze ups en downs die bij het moederschap en het vrouwzijn komt kijken willen wij graag met andere moeders en vrouwen speciaal op deze Vrouw en Moederdag bespreekbaar maken.

Wij nodigen alle vrouwen en moeders van harte uit en horen graag je stem tijdens deze speciale Vrouw en Moederdag event.

Waar: Niffo Gallerie
Pretorialaan 4B, 3072EM, Rotterdam
Wanneer: Zondag 12 Mei - 14:00 tot 17:00 (inloop vanaf 13:30u)
Entree: 10 euro contant aan de deur. Geen pin aanwezig!
Vooraf reserveren verplicht via:

Snacks and Drink
Give away - goodybags

Wees welkom, geniet van een drankje, eet wat lekkers en laat je inspireren door de verhalen en gedichten van de dichters. Arlène Lugiery, Jessica Riedewald en Nadira Jansen. (Ook bekend van De Stem Van De Vrouw). Wees bemoedigd door de inspirerende woorden van gastpreekster Elisa Zinga, oprichtster van House of Shira. En praat mee met de openhartige en diepgaande gesprekken die geleid zullen worden door Hostess Nadice Hellburg Juliana. Uiteraard laten we jullie niet met lege handen naar huis gaan.

We kijken ernaar uit ❤

Nadira Jansen & Elisa Zinga

zondag 31 maart 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview with Lifecoach Mireille Cicilia

Beautiful ladies, May I introduce to you Woman of Purpose: Mireille Cicilia She is a mentor, coach, life and goal strategist. She is the author and self publisher of Yadamagazine which was released in 2013. She recently created and published a brand new purposeplanner that every woman of purpose needs. The purpose planner is created to help every woman to realize her goals in 90 days. To order go to her IG: Purposelydesignlife and send her a message. Mireille is also active as a coach for non profit organization Powerlady where ladies are being coached to take control back over their lives when it comes to education, sisterhood, career, finance or entrepreneurship. In this interview we will be talking about Mireille's faith journey, her ministry, her creative talents and gifts. We will be talking about how she started as an entrepreneur, her succeskeys, the people and books that inspired her and the message of faith she has for every woman of purpose that are seeking to walk in their calling. I had a great time talking with this sister of purpose. Take a seat and be inspired by this inspirational interview. Follow Mireille on: IG Purposelydesignlife Facebook: Mireille Cicilia Website: (Temporarily under construction). Follow Woman of Purpose on FB: IG: Faithacts If you have been inspired give us a like, share and subscribe to stay up to date. VisionsThoughts&Dreams NMJ

zondag 17 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview with singer songwriter Nanda Akkerman

Woman of Purpose

Meet Nanda Akkerman.This young lady is a woman of faith, a singer and songwriter She has been one of the shining stars of the top 3 Music Matters Awards. She performed in choirs with great gospel singers such as Shirma Rouse and Berget Lewis. Besides being a great artist this young lady also has her own singing school. "Singing school Nanda Akkerman. A singing school Where she trains individuals as well as choirs. The choirs under her leading always deliver great performances and sold out shows.

Listen to the powerful and inspirational interview that I had with Nanda about growing up, her faithwalk, purpose, and what it means to be an artist and entrepreneur.

More about Nanda: www.
Follow her on IG: Nanda Akkerman

More about Woman of Purpose follow me on FB:
IG: Faithacts79


vrijdag 15 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Liefde en Relaties

Speciaal voor deze dag wilde ik vanuit Woman of Purpose een interview/gesprek voeren omtrent het onderwerp Liefde en Relaties. Valentijnsdag wordt gevierd als de dag van de liefde. We hebben als menszijnde allemaal liefde en relaties nodig, maar nog al te vaak lopen we hierin vast. Ik wilde voor deze episode hier dieper op in gaan? Hoe komt het dat we het soms moeilijk vinden om liefde te tonen en relaties staande te houden? In hoeverre bepaald onze opvoeding hoe we naar relaties kijken en hoe we liefhebben en waar we onze grenzen leggen? Hoe kijken we naar onszelf en in hoeverre zijn wij zelf verantwoordelijk voor wat we aantrekken? En uiteindelijk wat is er nodig om de juiste (mensen) partner aan te trekken? Hiervoor ben ik in gesprek gegaan met Corrie van de Nes en LuJosef. Het is een heel interessant gesprek geworden, vanuit meerdere invalshoeken. Laat ons weten wat je van het gesprek vond? Zijn er herkenbare punten waar je evt zelf mee te maken heb gehad? Hoe ben je ermee omgegaan? Wat heeft het je geleerd? We horen graag van jou? Vergeet niet te liken, delen en aan te melden voor meer Woman of purpose interviews en gesprekken. VisionsThoughts&Dreams NMJ

maandag 11 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview Jovanka Pigot from legal advice and coaching agency Qarah

Woman of Purpose

I am so excited to share this great interview I had with this beautiful, intelligent woman of God. Jovanka Pigot. She is not only beautiful, but also very intelligent. She does business in law and rights. She helps entrepreneurs with their contract and knowing their legal rights. Jovanka: “when you know who you are, you will automatically know your worth, value and privileges. You can call it a spiritual and a natural law.

In this beautiful and powerful interview you will hear all about Jovanka's faith journey, her business, how she accomplishes her dreams, goals and walks out her calling in this life. A true inspiration.

Podcast Link:

Connect with Jovanka Pigot.
IG: Qarah81

The woman event was from 2018. New dates go to: 


zaterdag 2 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview Spa and Wellness owner Tilly Lewerissa

Woman of Purpose

Meet Tilly Lewerissa. She is a woman of faith and owner of beauty and wellnesscenter Total Spa in The Netherlands in Spijkenisse. In this interview she will be sharing her journey on growing up in a christian household, turning away from God and as we all know God does not turn away from us. :) She talks about becoming a business owner and the crucial point that thought her NoW Is The Time. Learn about the choices she makes being a business owner, but also a woman of Faith. If you ever desire to become a business owner or if you just want to step up and step out in faith in what God has called you to be. Listen to this inspirational interview.

Don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more Interviews.

If you want to know more about Tilly Lewerissa and Total Spa go to: or follow Total Spa on IG and FB.

More about Woman of Purpose follow me on FB:
IG: Faithacts79


zaterdag 26 januari 2019

Woman of Purpose Podcast Gospel singer Corey van de Nes

Woman of Purpose 

2 or 3 years ago I heard this beautiful lady sing and sharing her testimony with only her voice and a boombox. I was at an event named soulconfession. I was there with my mom and a friend. We were all blown away by her powerful testimony of faith and the creative concept of soul, food, storytelling and music night. 

I had the privilege to interview her about faith, God, talents, gifts and her divine purpose here on earth. She really inspired me with words of faith and encouraged me to continue walking out my purpose. I have been blessed by her words, at and after the interview and I know she will inspire and encourage you too. 

Her name is Corey van de Nes. She is a bold, humble and creative woman of faith. She is a singer/ songwriter, TV/Radio/Event host and a motivational speaker. She is the face behind APOM. A Peace Of Me Inspirational Entertainment. Her heart’s desire is to communicate a message of hope, life and love with truth. A Heart to heart message. 

Link Podcast: Woman of Purpose Podcast Gospel singer Corey van De Nes

If you want to read and know more about this beautiful woman and find out where you can book her visit her website: 
Or visit her FB page: 


dinsdag 15 januari 2019

Woman of Purpose Podcast Mayra Dorff

Meet Mayra Dorff. She is a woman of faith, full with creative talents and gifts. She is the face behind Authentically You. A jewelry line that brings out the beauty, strength and uniqueness of each and every woman. In this interview we will be talking about her creative journey of faith, talents, visions and purpose.

If you want to find more about Mayra Dorff and the Authentic jewelry she makes follow her on IG: Authenticallyyou or go to her website If you have been inspired like, leave a message, Subscribe and stay up to date.


Podcast Link: Woman-of-Purpose-Interview-Mayra-Dorff-e2ug4g/a-a8hr4b

zaterdag 12 januari 2019

Woman of Purpose Podcast

Woman and Man of Purpose
As you know I have been interviewing beautiful and powerful ladies and man with purpose.
For a longer time, I have been feeling it in my heart to set up a podcast aswell, so more people have the opportunity and time to listen to the interviews. The purpose of these interviews is to share the journey of people who are taking the leap of faith and doing what God has called them to do. There is power in sharing our testimonies, experiences and wisdom with one another. I believe we all have been called to fulfill a divine purpose here on earth. Each and everyone in their own lane.
So keep your ears open for the podcast that Is coming up.
If you want to stay up to date about the podcast leave your name or send me a mssge so I can personal keep you up to date.
If there are people you think I should interview on purpose, life, love or faith leave a comment and let me know?
Share to support your sister, like if you have been inspired and subscribe to stay up to date for more Interviews and Purpose talks.