Must Reads

maandag 17 juli 2023

Get ready with me for church / Sunday morning TikTok talk

Get ready with me for church Sunday mornings I get ready for church. While I am doing my makeup and listening to Brendan Burchard. Join my Sunday morning conversation with my live audience and get some inspiration while I get ready. So I recently got approved for TikTok Lives and I am having so much fun with it. Join the conversations I am having with my audience there. Follow me for more: IG: TikTok: Mascara: For more check out my Amazon storefront: Make sure to like, share and subscribe to my page to show your support and if you want to stay up to date for more.

zondag 2 april 2023

Barcelona in January. Good idea or not?
Begin of the year 2023, I was so tired of everything and needed a break. After searching and searching where I should go, I booked myself a ticket and left to Barcelona.
Barcelona in January good idea or not?
Join me on this trip!
If you loved the video, don’t forget to like, share l, comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Begin van het haar 2023, ik was op en had echt behoefte aan een break. Na veel te lang research gedaan te hebben, besloot ik mijn koffer in te pakken en naar Barcelona te gaan.
Barcelona in Januari goed idee of niet?
Reis met me mee!
Vind je het een leuke video vergeet dan niet even naar mn Youtube channel te gaan, me daar te liken, het filmpje te delen, een berichtje achter te laten en te abonneren op mijn YouTube kanaal.
Thanx for the support ❤️🙏🏾😉
I don't own the rights to the music.
Music rights:
Music: Wander
Musician: @Iksonmusic
Music: Flying
Musician: Carl Storm
Music: B.there.4.u
Musician: Jeff Kaale
Music: I'm your baby tonight.
Musician: Whitney Houston
(Er is iets fout gegaan met de format van mijn filmpje waardoor je de zwarte kaders ziet. Ik krijg het helaas niet in de juiste formaat.)