Where it all begins Where did it all begin? Can you remember the day that you woke up and realize that you wanted to be a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a dancer or an actrice? Being inspired by the people surrounding you or what you have seen on the TV or heard on the radio. Suddenly there was a fire inside of you and you where determent to be what you desired to be. Is that fire still burning or did it slowly go out during the years because of life and problems. know that it's nerver to late!
Must Reads
vrijdag 28 november 2014
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: I'm Facing you
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: I'm Facing you: I wrote a poem about facing fears. We all get to deal with fear in our life's. We can run from it or face it. Don't let fear sto...
I'm Facing you
I wrote a poem about facing fears. We all get to deal with fear in our life's.
We can run from it or face it. Don't let fear stop you from doing what you have been called to do. You have all that you need inside of you. Fear is nothing but a lie. Stand up, face your fears and be all that you were created to be.
If you like my poem, let me know, share or leave a post.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
dinsdag 18 november 2014
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: A day out the Life of a Creative Artist
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: A day out the Life of a Creative Artist: My hands are itching, my fingers are dancing ready to write a new post. The more I’m writing on what’s on my mind, the more I’m loving it...
A day out the Life of a Creative Artist
My hands are itching, my fingers are dancing ready to write a new post. The more I’m writing on what’s on my mind, the more I’m loving it! So many days I felt like I wanted to write and share something but then I had no Idea what to write about. And today I felt I’m just gonna share what’s going on on a regular day in my life. On my journey as a Creative Artist.
Well I have been doing all kinds of researches about creativity and innovation. Reading books, blogs, articles and so much more. I’m aware of the chainges in the artscene and that is why I continually ask myself what can I do to be different? What can I do to stand out? What can I do with my talents and gifts to make a difference in my community and in the world today?
One of the changes I want to see in the community I’m living in here in The Netherlands is more Cultural Diversity in the professional theatre and actingscene. I also want to help others where I can. I’m always out there giving advise, sharing information and encouraging others to fulfill there dreams. I’m not there yet, I’m on my own journey but I do think creative artists and entrepreneurs should help each other and learn from one another. The me, myself and I additude has to stop, it’s about we and us and how can we help eachother to become better in our profession.
So two days ago in the shower, How I love the shower. I love the hot/ warm water, the fragrance of soap and wash gel, I’m crazy about it. Especially fresh citrus, ocean, sweet and almond fragrances. From parfume to washing powder I just love things that smell good, but above all. I get the best Idea’s under the shower!
I think that is the moment we really relax, under the hot/warm water.
So I got a great Idea what I’m gonna work out and I hope It will inspire a lot of other creative artists. That is my mission. So stay tune.
- Singing praises to the Lord
- Reading my bible
- Writing a new poem at 5am on my phone
- Writing an essay about Cultural Diversity in the Dutch theatre and actingscene.
- Thanking for a link about a black stage play in theatres now, about black slaves.
- Writing a short scéne about stress at the workplace.
- Learning more about blogging
- Reading a book of Sir Ken Robison about finding your creativity back (TED speaker)
Well this was it for now, stay Creative, Innovative and always yourself
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
vrijdag 14 november 2014
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: 3 practical things you can do to build up self con...
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: 3 practical things you can do to build up self con...: We all want to build up self confidence. Sometime's its easier said that done. I want to share 3 practical things that can help y...
3 practical things you can do to build up self confidence
We all want to build up self confidence. Sometime's its easier said that done. I want to share 3 practical things that can help you build up self confidence.
If you want to share something that really, really worked for you, please leave a message so you can help someone else that may need it.
xxxxx Thank you xxxx
woensdag 12 november 2014
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: The journey continues
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: The journey continues: The last 2 weeks have been very very busy. As some of you may now I auditioned at RCTH theatreschool in August. Well 2 weeks ago we had...
The journey continues
The last 2 weeks have been very very busy. As some of you may now I auditioned at RCTH theatreschool in August. Well 2 weeks ago we had our first presentation. We had to make a short presentation of 10 min of a stage play “What a beautiful day”!
While rehearsing we had people visiting to see how it all works at the theatreschool. The 2nd day we had to perform. A week later I had my poetryperformance about life, love and hope. It was a 15 min performance with acting and music in it.
The one that I liked the most was a piece I wrote a few months ago. While participating in a mentor traject I won with Leonie Jansen. The title is I seek a man? In this performance I talk about all the things I seek for in a man :) I go through all the things we ladies do before we go out on a date and prepair ourself for that 1 special person that we want to, need to, gotta have. It was recorded so I hope to be able to post it on my blog very soon!
While prepairing and following my dreams, I’m also researching, going out on seminars, meeting up with other creative, innovative people. Finding, discovering what I can do, what I can bring with my passion, talents and gifts to the community and the world I’m living in. How can I be inovative? Times have changed and times continue to change. There are so many talented, gifted, educated people out there that cannot find a job, that cannot make a living of what they love to do. They are the best singers, the best actors, the best writers, the best (fill in 4 ureself). Because the market, the business, world economy have changed. I used to think I’m gonna work at a theatre or art organisation. Well I had to change that plan. Not because I lost my passion for theatre and art, no not at all, but a lot of the theatre and art organisations are closing, not hiring, due to financial crisis. Even the big ones out there. And this is happening with the whole art and culture scene, only those who are being innovative are the ones keeping there head on top! So I had to change plans and ask myself. Oke, what is it that needs to be change? What is it that the world needs today? How can I use my acting, poetry and organisationskills in a time like this? I still believe everyone can create his or her own job with that what has been given to him/her. We just have to flow and walk ahead of the changes in this world. We have to ask ourselfs what is it that the world needs? Where is there a problem and how can I bring a solution for that problem? What are people willing to invest in?
That is why I go out on business meetings, seminars, workshops to brainstorm with other like minded people. That is why I’m reading books and researching on topics like innovation, creativity, technology and social media. And I’m learning that there is a whole new world out there.
So tuesday I visited a business meeting from Rabo Bank. It’s a bank with a mission to invest in entrepreneurs that are investing in the community. This was a meeting to share idea’s and to see what we all can do to build up and make the community in Rotterdam stronger. A very interesting business meeting. I also met some other creative entrepreneurs and had a good talk with them. So I’m gonna meet up with them to brainstorm on new idea’s and see how we can help eachother.
I’m always in to brainstorm with other like minded people on how to be innovative as an artist in this world today. So if you have something on your mind or want to share something on this subject just let me know!
zondag 9 november 2014
Krater Art & Community Festival
After 1 year of sweat and tears we rocked the stage friday and saturday with Talentlab Poetry @ Bijlmerpark theatre. It was an amazing journey with lots of love, kindness, challenges and creative words. Doing what I love 2 do most. Sharing my talents to uplift and encourage the people around me. :)
vrijdag 7 november 2014
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: The road to achieve your dreams
Visions, thoughts and dreams!: The road to achieve your dreams: As promised, I'm back with an article how to achieve your goals. After you did you research, after you answered these questions for y...
The road to achieve your dreams
After you did you research, after you answered these questions for yourself. Who am I? Where do I stand for? What are your personal principles? Who do you admire? What am I passionate about? What are my gifts and talents? (The other questions you can read in the previous article about finding your life purpose)
After you’ve found out what it really is that you want to do? What you would love to do? What you would wake up for in the middle of the night to do it? Like me, I will wake up in the middle of the night or at dawn to write my creative words and idea’s down. I can be up in the middle of the night or travel 4 hours a day to work on my poetry/acting projects or to do research and read books about goals and dreams and how to be innovative and creativite in the world today. This is where I live for and I love it!
After that my first advice would be pray over it. I always ask God to direct me in all that I do. I now I need it cause I can be a control freak but at times I can be chaotic too. These are the moments when I have so many idea’s and I want to do them all at once!
But I have learned and I’m still learning to take one step at a time.
Let’s start
Write your vision down - start writing down that dream that you have that you want to achieve. Don’t limit yourself in space, money or time. Just write it down. I believe there is power in writing your vision down. I have done it and I have seen it working. Even God says it: write your vision down so you can see it and read it for yourself over and over again.
Be specific about what it is that you want to achieve - For example I want a job is not specific. Ask yourself? What kind of job do I want? How many days/hours do or can I work? Or I want a man? What kind of man? Dark or light? Long or short? age? With or without children? Be specific.
I went back to school to learn more about making productions, to upgrade my acting and writingskills. This also helps me to create a new network and to stay updated about the latest developments in the theatrescene.
If you don’t have the time or the financians to go back to school to develope that skill that you need. There are other ways to get that education that you need:
Online free courses
Online free courses
- saylor Academy provides academical tuition free courses. From fine Arts to Computer Science. They have it all. For more info: www.saylor.org
- edX Online courses from the worlds best Universities: www.edx.org
- There are many, many more online courses you can take just google them.
- The library: The richest place on earth. Think about it, all that is made, all the wisdom, the knowledge that we work with is written and waiting in the library to be found and worked out.
So ask yourself what is it that I need to get from point A to B ……
Make short term goals and long term goals
In order to get to your long term goals you have to make short term goals. Also stay focused and don’t lose sight of why you are taking these classes. Do the homework you get, read the books you need because these are the little steps you need to get to your long term goals. Be patient and write or mark the goals you achieved. Don’t forget to treat yourself for your little achievements.
Set a deadline for your goals - make a time frame. In what time frame do I want to complete Step A. Step B. Step C……….
Be realistic about it. Don’t make a time planning to launch a bussines in 1 month, while you have never studied bussines or don’t know anything about bussiness. Also don’t be to hard on yourself if it takes a bit longer than planned. Don’t give up here, just make a new planning of time that you think you need to get to the next step. Think about the joy and happiness you feel everytime you achieved a goal and don’t forget to read your vision over and over. This will give you the extra boost to push through.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, information or guidance
With every vision, with every goal you will come across mountains and giants. Obstacles, don’t be afraid or stop when these things happend. We all have them. Ask yourself what do I need to do to tacle this giant standing between me and my goal. If you can’t find the answer by yourself don’t be afraid to ask for help. The best advice I can give you is ask and learn from those who have gone before you. You don’t have to know or do everything by yourself. It’s impossible to know everything. There are a lot of people out there willing to help you or give you advice. If you don’t have them around you search for a helpforum online about that subject, or google it. That is how I get a lot of my information when I get stuck.
You may need financians think about sponsors, crowdfunding, you may need someone to create a website think about a ICT computer students, or make your own website or FB page. Get surrounded, search up that network, surround yourself with people that are also doing that what you want to do.
Don’t give up
Believe in that what God has placed in you, even if nobody understands or see your vision. And even if nobody has done that thing before that you want to do. It’s your vision. God has given it to you for you to work out. But it will only happen if you take action.
Believe in that what God has placed in you. Work today to change tomorrow!
academic earth,
joel osteen,
Les Brown,
Lyanla Verzant,
Online classes,
Oprah Winfrey,
saylor academy,
td jakes,
zondag 2 november 2014
Bijlmerpark Theatre
Upcoming friday 7 and saturday 8 November @ Bijlmerpark Theatre me and other great poets will be sharing some of our latest works. Be there! I will be talking about love. Here is one of the poems that I will be sharing.
Once I gave my heart away to a man who didn’t know how to appreciate love. At the end he gave me back my heart, broken and full with scars. I was walking around in circles, going back and forth trying to put the pieces back together. But just like a mirror, once it is broken the scars will always be seen. Until I met my Father and He decided to give me a new heart. And taught me some words of wisdom:
I made every woman like a queen, to be treated as royalty; I gave every woman the wisdom and the knowledge to think and to teach generations to generations that a woman has the strength to stand on her own feet. Not to be depended upon or desperate for the love of any man, because love and life come from me. A woman is made to be treated with dignity and respect. Not only in the beginning when things are always fun, when he spoils you with diner by candle light, with cards and roses but also in those times when there is rain and storm.
So to every woman give yourself the time, because he can be here today and try to walk away the next day. If he is worth it he will appreciate and give you your time. And if he is the one he should love you fulltime, over time, all the time. Just like my father said, you are a queen and should be treated as royalty and don’t settle for anything less!
The Beauty of a woman
I made every woman like a queen, to be treated as royalty; I gave every woman the wisdom and the knowledge to think and to teach generations to generations that a woman has the strength to stand on her own feet. Not to be depended upon or desperate for the love of any man, because love and life come from me. A woman is made to be treated with dignity and respect. Not only in the beginning when things are always fun, when he spoils you with diner by candle light, with cards and roses but also in those times when there is rain and storm.
So to every woman give yourself the time, because he can be here today and try to walk away the next day. If he is worth it he will appreciate and give you your time. And if he is the one he should love you fulltime, over time, all the time. Just like my father said, you are a queen and should be treated as royalty and don’t settle for anything less!
Bijlmer Parktheatre,
performing arts,
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