Must Reads

zondag 17 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview with singer songwriter Nanda Akkerman

Woman of Purpose

Meet Nanda Akkerman.This young lady is a woman of faith, a singer and songwriter She has been one of the shining stars of the top 3 Music Matters Awards. She performed in choirs with great gospel singers such as Shirma Rouse and Berget Lewis. Besides being a great artist this young lady also has her own singing school. "Singing school Nanda Akkerman. A singing school Where she trains individuals as well as choirs. The choirs under her leading always deliver great performances and sold out shows.

Listen to the powerful and inspirational interview that I had with Nanda about growing up, her faithwalk, purpose, and what it means to be an artist and entrepreneur.

More about Nanda: www.
Follow her on IG: Nanda Akkerman

More about Woman of Purpose follow me on FB:
IG: Faithacts79


vrijdag 15 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Liefde en Relaties

Speciaal voor deze dag wilde ik vanuit Woman of Purpose een interview/gesprek voeren omtrent het onderwerp Liefde en Relaties. Valentijnsdag wordt gevierd als de dag van de liefde. We hebben als menszijnde allemaal liefde en relaties nodig, maar nog al te vaak lopen we hierin vast. Ik wilde voor deze episode hier dieper op in gaan? Hoe komt het dat we het soms moeilijk vinden om liefde te tonen en relaties staande te houden? In hoeverre bepaald onze opvoeding hoe we naar relaties kijken en hoe we liefhebben en waar we onze grenzen leggen? Hoe kijken we naar onszelf en in hoeverre zijn wij zelf verantwoordelijk voor wat we aantrekken? En uiteindelijk wat is er nodig om de juiste (mensen) partner aan te trekken? Hiervoor ben ik in gesprek gegaan met Corrie van de Nes en LuJosef. Het is een heel interessant gesprek geworden, vanuit meerdere invalshoeken. Laat ons weten wat je van het gesprek vond? Zijn er herkenbare punten waar je evt zelf mee te maken heb gehad? Hoe ben je ermee omgegaan? Wat heeft het je geleerd? We horen graag van jou? Vergeet niet te liken, delen en aan te melden voor meer Woman of purpose interviews en gesprekken. VisionsThoughts&Dreams NMJ

maandag 11 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview Jovanka Pigot from legal advice and coaching agency Qarah

Woman of Purpose

I am so excited to share this great interview I had with this beautiful, intelligent woman of God. Jovanka Pigot. She is not only beautiful, but also very intelligent. She does business in law and rights. She helps entrepreneurs with their contract and knowing their legal rights. Jovanka: “when you know who you are, you will automatically know your worth, value and privileges. You can call it a spiritual and a natural law.

In this beautiful and powerful interview you will hear all about Jovanka's faith journey, her business, how she accomplishes her dreams, goals and walks out her calling in this life. A true inspiration.

Podcast Link:

Connect with Jovanka Pigot.
IG: Qarah81

The woman event was from 2018. New dates go to: 


zaterdag 2 februari 2019

Woman of Purpose Interview Spa and Wellness owner Tilly Lewerissa

Woman of Purpose

Meet Tilly Lewerissa. She is a woman of faith and owner of beauty and wellnesscenter Total Spa in The Netherlands in Spijkenisse. In this interview she will be sharing her journey on growing up in a christian household, turning away from God and as we all know God does not turn away from us. :) She talks about becoming a business owner and the crucial point that thought her NoW Is The Time. Learn about the choices she makes being a business owner, but also a woman of Faith. If you ever desire to become a business owner or if you just want to step up and step out in faith in what God has called you to be. Listen to this inspirational interview.

Don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more Interviews.

If you want to know more about Tilly Lewerissa and Total Spa go to: or follow Total Spa on IG and FB.

More about Woman of Purpose follow me on FB:
IG: Faithacts79
