3 December 2011, I had my first poetry show: Visions, thoughts and dreams. Live in a small theatre in Amsterdam. A vision I had last year, of me creating my own poetry show incl. other creative talents. It has always been 1 of my desires to create my own creative shows. All I had was a vision from God the talent he gave me and my faith. Now was the time, I had to do this, I had to walk in faith and do what i knew God called me to do. Encourage and bless others with the talent God gave me. God did not give us talents to hide it, just like a light that should not be hidden under the table put on its stand.
(matt 5:15)
I had been working for months on the project, everything in me wanted to go and do this. But the process didn't go the way I hoped. There where mountains and obstacles. Now I had to put my faith in practice and trust in God.
Even on the day of the show there where obstacles, but that did not stop me of doing what I had to do. I surrender it all in the hands of God. The audience God wanted to be there and the message of the show. That the seed of love, faith and hope would be planted in the hearts of those who were there. A seed that would not be forgotten. I am thankful that in the midst of the storm I was able to do this. God works in ways we cannot see. In the world today people measure success with their possessions our achievements. (1 samuel 16:7) Success is not found in our achievements our possessions but what is found within our hearts.