Must Reads

zaterdag 15 april 2017

The meaning of love

The meaning of love goes through my mind a thousand times a day. The searching of Love goes through this world countless times in different ways. Who can say where it started and who can say where it ends?
Love has been already here, before we were here. We all love to love, but as much as we love, we also have the tendency to fall out of love. The only way to learn about love is to find love itself. God is love. He is jealous for our love for Him. He will never fall in and out of love with us. He loved us when we were still sinners drowning in our sins. He loved us so much that He gave His only begotten son to die for our sins while we were still sinners. Our human mind cannot comprehend the unconditional love that God has for each and every one of us.

#godslove #revelations #truelove #jesussacrifice #heavenlyfather #forgiven #redeemer #crucified #redeemed #sinnersavedbygrace #mercy #love #unconditionalove #hisloveneverfails #faithful #faithjourney #overcamedeath #eternallife #security #gospel #gospelpoetry #christianspokenword #wordsoflife #holyspirit #holyscriptures #riversoflivingwater #livingwater #christjesus #divinepurpose #hisloveneverfails


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