Must Reads

donderdag 31 mei 2018

Are we all sugarcoating our real life/ Authenticity and Perfection

How real are you?
Are we all sugarcoating our real life? Check out my latest video about Authenticity and perfection!
If you like this video make sure you go to my YouTube channel just click on the video. like, subscribe and share.
Let's keep it 100% real!

woensdag 9 mei 2018


#IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONMYTV expresses how I feel about the need for more color on TV, the big screen, on the cover of a magazine and on TOP!  Living in a place with so much cultural diversity and so much creative talents like actors, actressess, hosts and when we turn on the dutch TV it is no true reflection of reality. Being a afro carribean woman I want to be able to relate with what I see on TV. It's a shame that we been having these same discussion/dialogues for more than 20 /30 years and still so little changes. There are more than 2 or 3 black actors living in The Netherlands. That's the reason for my own home made commercial, call it what you want but I call it #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONMYTV

I call up every creative writer, filmmaker, actors, actressess, hosts anyone with a passion for media, entertainment, fashion or business to stand up, connect and create and bring the change we want to see and leave behind!

Like, Share, Support and Comment below if you agree and would also like to see more color on your TV. 


maandag 7 mei 2018


Hello Beautiful People,
Last week we had kingsday in the Netherlands. This inspired me to dress up and own that day like a queen and experiment with fabulous colors. I am also sharing my opinion as a carribean actress and my desire on more color on the TV. Yes I want to see more color on my dutch TV, on the big screen, the media, fashion and on Top! We live in a place with so many cultural diversity I want to see that reflected when I look at my TV or open up a magazine. Unfortunately this is not the case, after years and years of speaking on how to bring that change. I believe the change is only gonna come when we ourself rise up and start creating our own content/film/tv series/magazines and businesses. I want to see more black filmwriters, I want to see more black TV productions, I want to see more black filmmakers, I want to see more black actors and actresses in a tv serie or on the big screen. I want to see more black hosts on tv, I want to see more color on my TV. I want to see more color on the cover of a magazine, I want to see more color on TOP! #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONMYTV #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONTHECOVEROFAMAGAZINE #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONTOP As a woman of Purpose, a woman of Faith, I also want this with faithcontent! In the states I know they are very active, in Africa they are very active in writing and producing faith entertainment tv shows/films/stageplays. Where are my brothers and sisters here in The Netherlands? Drop a message if you can relate, lets brainstorm, lets start creating and bring a light and colorshift! Woman of Purpose that are stepping out: NMJ Productions - Poetry&Talkshow Trailer The Voice of A Woman: Faith Inspirational Entertainment: APOM - House interieur - House of Shira: African Fashion - Designs by Mariana: - Dont forget to like, share and subscribe. VisionsThoughts&Dreams NMJ