Must Reads

maandag 7 mei 2018


Hello Beautiful People,
Last week we had kingsday in the Netherlands. This inspired me to dress up and own that day like a queen and experiment with fabulous colors. I am also sharing my opinion as a carribean actress and my desire on more color on the TV. Yes I want to see more color on my dutch TV, on the big screen, the media, fashion and on Top! We live in a place with so many cultural diversity I want to see that reflected when I look at my TV or open up a magazine. Unfortunately this is not the case, after years and years of speaking on how to bring that change. I believe the change is only gonna come when we ourself rise up and start creating our own content/film/tv series/magazines and businesses. I want to see more black filmwriters, I want to see more black TV productions, I want to see more black filmmakers, I want to see more black actors and actresses in a tv serie or on the big screen. I want to see more black hosts on tv, I want to see more color on my TV. I want to see more color on the cover of a magazine, I want to see more color on TOP! #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONMYTV #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONTHECOVEROFAMAGAZINE #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONTOP As a woman of Purpose, a woman of Faith, I also want this with faithcontent! In the states I know they are very active, in Africa they are very active in writing and producing faith entertainment tv shows/films/stageplays. Where are my brothers and sisters here in The Netherlands? Drop a message if you can relate, lets brainstorm, lets start creating and bring a light and colorshift! Woman of Purpose that are stepping out: NMJ Productions - Poetry&Talkshow Trailer The Voice of A Woman: Faith Inspirational Entertainment: APOM - House interieur - House of Shira: African Fashion - Designs by Mariana: - Dont forget to like, share and subscribe. VisionsThoughts&Dreams NMJ

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