Must Reads

donderdag 30 oktober 2014

Finding your life purpose

The number one question of people all around the globe is? What is my purpose in life? Do I know why I'm here?
statistics says that 90% of people are not happy with the work that they do? People often feel trap cause they work for a paycheck and can't find joy and true happyness in life and in what they do for a living. The work that they do does not complete them and/or define who they are as a person.
All around me I see so many people working on a job that doesn't meet up with their potentials. They are miserable with their work, they don't love it, there is no challenge, they can't grow and they feel stuck.
Looking back at my own school years I feel like the system prepairs you to get ready for a job that they think is good for you. They are not looking at you as a person with your own qualities and help you form to become the best of you. You really have to have a self awareness of who you are and what you want to be in this life, or else the system is gonna be the one to form you into their image of what they want you to be.

I love to talk with people about finding our purpose in life. I know exactly how it feels to work at a place that does not meet up with your potentials, I know exactly how it is when people try to place you in their boxes. I know exactly what it is and how it feels when you know inside yourself you where created to do so much more and you are still running that race to get free from a system that tries to keep you down. That is why it is so important for you to know who you are and what you where created to do? Next to my Faith this is where I hold on to when I feel life pressure coming down on me. Cause it is one thing to know your purpose, but it is another thing to walk in your purpose. Don 't be discourage when it's not going the way you hoped it would be. The bigger your purpose, the bigger the challenge, but also the greater and bigger the joy and fullfilment. I believe God doesn't give us more than we can handle. He will strengthen you, He will guide you, He will comfort you on your journey. You owe it to yourself to live your life to the maximum cause no one else is gonna do it for you. If you won't take the step to live and work for your own dreams, you will always be working and living to fullfil someone else's dream. And in order to walk in your purpose you have to know who you are?

I have been reading, researching, listening and praying about life purpose and walking in my calling over and over again. I'm not there yet, but I have always known that there is so much more inside of me, so much more than what teachers and others said about me. I am more than the work that I do. This is not only for me, it's for you too. No matter in what stage of life you are. God has placed greatness in each one of us. And it's never to late to take that step to find out your purpose in life. If you woke up this morning it means you still have a purpose in this life. I love what Joel Osteen and T.D Jakes say in their preachings: If you can't get there running, you walk, If you can't get there walking you crawl, but whatever you do, do something. Even if you have to fail your way to succes never stop or give up!

Here are some helpful keys I want to share with you about finding your life purpose: 

  • Know who you are? 
  • What touches your heart?
  • What and who do you love?
  • Who do you admire and why do you admire them?
  • What are you deeply committed to?
  • What do you stand for? 
  • What are your personal principles?
  • When are you at your best?
  • What is giving you the greatest feeling of importance?
  • What makes you really angry?
  • What is it that you definitely don't want to do in life?
  • What are the things that you vallue the most in life?
  • What are your gifts and talents?
  • What did you love to do as a child?

I hope these helpful keys will help you in your journey of finding out your life purpose? After you have found out who you are, why you are here and what you represent you can start making plans and goals to walk out you life purpose. "I will be talking about that in the next topic"

I know for myself who I am. I'm a woman who loves God, who loves acting, writing and poetry. My heart goes out to young girls and woman. With the passion that I have for art I want to make a change. I want to make a difference in building up selfesteem. I want girls and woman to be aware that they are more than sexual objects, that they are more than a piece of meet, that they are more than a one night stand. I want them to know that they are more than what the world projects on them. I want to go around the world with my own creative poetry/theatre productions and inspire them to reach higher, higher than what they have been thought or have seen, to dig deeper and not to settle for less than Gods best for their lifes.

"Do what you love to do and don't be afraid to be different".

dinsdag 28 oktober 2014


I have been thinking about freedom and the meaning of freedom lately.
Freedom is gonna be one of the subjects I'm gonna write about this week.
Stay up 2 date for more.

vrijdag 24 oktober 2014

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: The Journey of a Creative Artist 2

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: The Journey of a Creative Artist 2: So I just woke up after a late night poetry class yesterday. I  have been participating in a program called talentlab at Bijlmerpark th...

The Journey of a Creative Artist 2

So I just woke up after a late night poetry class yesterday.
I  have been participating in a program called talentlab at Bijlmerpark theatre in Amsterdam. It has been a tough rollercoaster year with ups and downs but we are almost at the finishline. Yes there were some giants I had to face. It wasn't easy cause those giants had me questioning myself and my talents over and over again. I am a perfectionist and what I do, I want to do it better, I want to be the best, I want to be the best of the best in what I do. Is that a bad habbit? Maybe, sometimes.

Sometimes cause it reacts on my enemy frustration and it can take away all the fun out of learning. But on the other hand shouldn't we reach out to be the best in what we do? They always say, don't settle for where you are but always reach out for higher. And that is what I do. I may be the only one experiencing this but I feel that as an artist as a performer I cannot survive being just good or an average. It's like the law of the jungle, only the strongest survive. After being part of this world now for 34 years I can say it's not only the law of the jungle, but also the law of the world. You have to have backbones to make it in this world. I do believe we all have those backbones or else we wouldn't be here today. The fact that we woke up this morning says we have backbones. In my proces of 34 years I can also say that talent alone won't bring you succes or bring you to your destination. The most important question is are you prepaired and determenid? You can be as good as you want to but if you are not determined you won't get any far.

Yes, I have my seasons when I have all the creativity in the world, when I feel that I'm the best and that I can tackle every giant. Yes even Goliath. But I'll be honest I can also have some dark and cloudy seasons. When I have no inspiration, I can't write, I can't think of anything creative, I can't move and all I just want to do is fly, fly away from everything. For me as a artist not having any inspiration, having a writersblock or not being able to create is one of the most painful parts. It makes you doubt yourself as a artist, it steals away the air that you need to breath to make you feel alive. The only thing that I can do in these moments is pray, pray and pray. Here is where I realise that my own creativity and strength is limited and I just let God be God.
Then inside of me this small seed with the size of a mustard seed keeps on pushing and pushing this faith through me. It picks me up and pushes me forth to keep on going. It shows me that there is still so much that hasn't been said, still so much that hasn't been written and still so much that hasn 't been done. These are the moments when I realise that every voice, every sound, every idea matters. And that there are so many voices and talents out there that don't speak, that don't say a thing. They are just there minding their own bussines or adding nothing uplifting to the platform.

As a believer I do believe we all have been given talents according to our own ability. And that we have to use, no matter the size of what has been given to us. We are called to shine our lights in this dark world. That's why I'm also determined to use and take out all that God has placed in me. Just as Les Brown qoutes: Die empty, don't die and take all your dreams and talents with you. I believe, I know that I have been created by a Great God and that there is greatness inside of me. Knowing that I'm in a process, on a journey gives me peace. Too many times I required of myself to know it all, to do it all and to have it all. But life is teaching me that, that is not the way it works.

It's about:
"              " Family
"              " Friends
"              " Learning
"              " Getting up
"              " Daring to make mistakes
"              " Daring to be different
"              " Learning to appreciate
"              " Dreaming
"              " Giving
"              " Changing
"              " Surrendering
"              " Smiling
"              " Loving
"              " God
"              " Your Journey
It 's about Life!

maandag 20 oktober 2014

The Journey of a Creative Artist

I often wish I was smarter, wiser. That I had more creativity, so I could create more, do more, stand out more and achieve more? As hard as I try to stay positive in difficult times, I have my weaknesses. Im a poet and an actrice. But I haven’t gotten that Hollywood assignment yet, so can I call my self a professional artist? Even though I have my degrees and created my own theatre and poetry projects?
I dont like the name amateur, cause that would label me as if I’m not good enough in my craft. It’s hard to be a creative artist in the world today. In a world where only the best of the best of the best seem to be acknowledge and stand out. But what happends to the second or the the third best creative artists?  Doesn’t every creature has his/her own uniqueness, something to share, something of value to add to this world. Or do they just dissapear into the storms of life? I really would like to hear more stories how other creative artists dealed with faillures and dissapointments in their lifes. Steve Jobs, Masterclass is a book I would recommend to everyone with a passion. The book doesn’t only share his story but lots of other encouraging stories of people who failed their way to succes. I always hear and read about succes stories but what about the seasons of life when all ods are against you?  What do you do when life isn’t going the way you hoped, planned, or expected to go?
I continually ask my self questions about life? Who am I? What is my purpose in life? What defines me? I know my name. I know what I’m capable of. I know my dreams and desires. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. But yet still I often feel like I have absolutely know Idea where this rollercoaster called life is taking me as an artist? It frightens me, cause it comforts me to know where I’m going? You can consider me as a controll freak. Its my safety zone, knowing where im going? How im gonna get there? What tools do I need to get there and when will I get there?
These questions continually dance around my head. In the morning when I rise untill the moon closes my eyes. When I look back I see, I have been carrying these questions with me for ever. I always knew exactly what I wanted to be? What I was gonna study? Which schools to attend? How much money I was gonna need and when I was gonna get there? But it seems like life tries to teach me some VIP lessons. I cannot control everything, after prepairing and doing my part I have to trust and let go. I have to have faith, that the seeds I’ve planted along the way will come to pass. Even though I want to be able to controll it all! I don’t have the final say. Sometimes life catch you with unexpected suprises. You study social arts by the time you graduate the government cutt of all creative and non- profit organisations due to economic crisis. You plan to get married with the love of your life, then to find out he has been cheating on you. You worked all of your life and now it’s time to enjoy your retirement, you find out you are terminally ill. Or maybe you’re planning to have children and now you
can’t have none. We live in an unpredictable world. All of this influenced the way we think, the way we act and the way we live our lives. And sometimes we lose ourselfs in it, we forget to focus. I admit that in different seasons of my life I’m in a battle between the mind and the heart. My heart says love what you do? My mind says It’s not good enough. My heart says you never too old, my mind wants to make me believe that I should have allready achieved my goals. Im 34 and my biological clock is ticking, I have no partner my heart says yes and my mind says no.
I guess this is what the bible means about faith when it says “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” It means having a vision, an idea, a project, something that cannot be seen or touch in the natural, but is allready reality in your spirit. ” As a person as well as a creative artist we cannot give up on that what is inside of us. Each and every one of us has been given a special seed and a vision in life to complete. You cannot have people, friends, family, society, the government anybody defining who you are, or who you are supposed to be. We as artists have to stay true to ourselfs. The journey of an artist isn’t always, I would say never easy. We get to deal with high and low mountains, big and small giants. But it is in these moments, in these storms after the labor, where artists will find themself, their own uniqueness and strength to give birth to a new piece of artwork.
Remember these lines when life’s rollercoaster tries to bring you down:
  • Steve Jobs got fired from his own company in 1985 when he thought he lost everything he lived for, he gave birth to a new dream that would change the whole entertainment industry: Pixar was born.
  • James Dyson, the inventor of the vacuums failed 5126 before he had accomplished his bilionaire idea.
  • Chris Gardner multi miljonair/ The pursuit of happyness worked for unpaid internship and lived on the street for a year with his little son.
  • Walt Disney was fired by a news paper editor because he lacked imagination and had no ideas. He went bankruptcy and failed before he found a recipe for succes that worked.
  • Tyler Perry film/stageplay director and producer, produced his own stageplays for 7 years in a row for only 30 people. Family and friends. He now owns his own filmstudio, movies, sitcoms, books and stageplays that are seen all over the world and at Oprah Winfreys Network.
Dare yourself to dream big and work towards your goals day by day!

dinsdag 14 oktober 2014

Poetrybook: Visions Thoughts & Dreams

Up to heaven

Peaceful is the mind, Thoughtful is the heart the road of beginners
The stareways up to heaven we reach out to when the shadows of fallen stars come down. Mysterious we dance around seeking to find our lost steps back in the race.

©Nadira Jansen

For more inspirational poems:
Poetrybook: Visions Thoughts & Dreams

Diversiteit in het theater.......

Ik hou van theater, ik hou van spoken word en ik hou van acteren. Sinds vorige maand ben ik begonnen aan de theaterschool in Rotterdam: Zoals jullie misschien al weten heb ik vorig jaar een eigen poetryshow: De Stem Van De Vrouw in een theater in Rotterdam uitgevoerd. Op een poëtische wijze heb ik samen met 3 andere vrouwen de verhalen van een vrouw vorm gegeven. Met een heel team hebben wij een creatieve theater/poetryproductie neergezet. Later hebben wij dezelfde show met een kleinere groep dames uitgevoerd in Dit was een van mijn doelen. Een productie maken met een diversiteit aan culturen en talenten om andere meiden en vrouwen te bemoedigen en inspireren.

Het is mijn streven om nog meer producties uit te voeren om anderen te inspireren. Daarom heb ik de keuze gemaakt om mij verder op een professionele manier te verdiepen in alle aspecten van het acteren en theatermaken. Ik volg nu part time les, ik moet heel veel voorstellingen bezoeken, producties maken en kijkverslagen schrijven. Waar ik ontzettend van geniet. Ik vind het heerlijk om naar theaterproducties te kijken, vooral als het een theaterproductie is met een diversiteit aan culturen. Wonend in een stad als Rotterdam wil je graag en verwacht je ook diversiteit op een professionele niveau weer terug te zien in het theater en niet alleen in de amateur sector. Dit heb ik helaas nog niet teruggezien in de voorstellingen die ik in de schouwburg heb bezocht.

Als Antilliaan en liefhebber van theater en acteren mis ik dit in het theater en op de Nederlandse tv. Ja je hebt soms wel eens een soap of film met een of twee donkere acteurs en actrices. Maar daar blijft het dan ook bij. In verhouding met andere landen lopen wij nog steeds enorm achter met wat betreft diversiteit in de theater, tv en filmsector. Het blijft mij nog steeds enorm verbazen hoe dat in de wereld van vandaag nog mogelijk is terwijl er zoveel creatieve talent in Nederland woonachtig is.

Zie hieronder de trailer van Poetry&Talkshow: De Stem Van De Vrouw
Crew: Thania Balinge, Bellita Carol, Jessica Riedewald, Nadira Jansen
Film: Alfa Zinga