Must Reads

zaterdag 25 juli 2015

Punt! @ The Fringe Festival 2015

Niet vergeten tussen 3 en 13 September vindt het Fringe Festival 2015 plaats. Noteer het alvast in je agenda. Wij staan er ook. Geniet van onze backstage en brainstorm materiaal.

Punt! Met de voorstelling RECONNECT: ‘Een nieuw begin, in verbinding met alles wat er is. Maar wat als jouw persoonlijke blik op hoe de wereld zou moeten zijn, niet is wat je ziet?
Wat is dan de betekenis van RECONNECT?’


Volg ons ook op:

dinsdag 21 juli 2015


Mijn hart staat stil achter de horizon
Een moment van rust
Ik kijk naar wat voor me ligt en probeer achter te laten wat gebroken is
Een lichtpunt in mijn duistere dagen
Klamme handen, kloppende hartslagen
Verleid, een brug te overspringen die het leven mij voorspiegelt
Verleden en heden dwingen mij een keus te maken
Omlopen heeft geen zin
Levenslessen zijn eeuwenoude herhalingen van klokslagen
Een herhaling van tijd door jassen van gebeurtenissen
Niemand uitgezonderd
Wegenwijze voetstappen van voorouders stromend door de familielijn
Niet altijd weloverwogen
Gemiste kansen, geleerde lessen

Klamme handen, kloppende hartslagen
Een andere situatie een nieuwe jas
Wie durft het oude achter zich te laten en het onvoorzienbare te omarmen?
Wie stijgt, valt en staat weer op?
Wie waagt de sprong?
Wie durft intens uit alleen geloof, hoop en liefde te leven?

Wees niet bevreesd en richt je ogen alleen op Hem, die eens was, is en nog komen zal. Voorbij de dagen van stille hartslagen achter de horizon.

Ik sluit mijn ogen en ik leef!

dinsdag 14 juli 2015

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Netwerken.... Hoe doe ik dat?

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Netwerken.... Hoe doe ik dat?: Vorige week liep ik door het centrum en toen kwam ik deze reclame bord tegen. Dit inspireerde mij om wat nuttige tips te delen over netwerke...

Netwerken.... Hoe doe ik dat?

Vorige week liep ik door het centrum en toen kwam ik deze reclame bord tegen. Dit inspireerde mij om wat nuttige tips te delen over netwerken. Dus ben je val plan dit event te bezoeken dan kun je gelijk deze tips toepassen.

Netwerken…… Hoe doe ik dat?

Binnenkort een netwerk bijeenkomst? Geen idee wat je moet zeggen of doen tijdens zo een netwerkbijeenkomst. Een goede voorbereiding is het halve werk. Daarom heb ik voor jouw alvast een paar tips uitgewerkt waarmee je aan de slag kunt zodat je voorbereid naar een netwerkbijeenkomst kunt gaan.

  1. Don’t be desperate
Heb een spontane houding en weet wat jij te bieden heb. Zorg dat je niet overkom als iemand die hopeloos is. Op die manier jaag je juist de mensen weg. Heb een houding van iemand die iets te bieden en bij te dragen heeft.

2. Wees specifiek
Weet waar je goed in bent. Heb helder voor ogen wat jouw talenten, sterke punten en vaardigheden zijn maar ook welke kennis, tips en info jij kan aanbieden. Laat een gesprek niet alleen over jouw gaan maar vraag ook wat jij voor de ander kan betekenen. Met deze houding zul je zien dat mensen jouw in de toekomst ook graag verder willen helpen.

3. Elevator pitch
Wees paraat om je elevator pitch in te zetten wanneer je gevraagd wordt wat over jezelf te vertellen. Zorg dat je voorbereid bent en dat je jezelf in een minuut tijd kan presenteren. In deze korte presentatie vertel je enthousiast wie je bent, wat je kracht is, waar je voor staat en waar je goed in bent. Eindig het gesprek met een verzoek. Vraag bijvoorbeeld naar adresgegevens om je cv op te sturen. Dit laat een geïnteresseerde indruk achter.

4. Iedereen is belangrijk
Onderschat een ander niet vanwege zijn titel. Toon oprechte interesse in elk persoon, je weet nooit welke kennis, info of tips deze persoon in huis heeft. En misschien heeft deze persoon weer de juiste contacten die jij nodig heb. Dus onderschat nooit een ander en toon oprechte interesse in ieder persoon.

5. Geef niet op!
Wees niet teleurgesteld wanneer je niet gelijk de juiste baan of contacten heb gelegd. Blijf behulpzaam, mensen zullen dit herinneren en jouw ook in contact brengen met anderen, onderschat de indruk niet die je nalaat op zo een bijeenkomst. Houdt in gedachten dat een netwerkbijeenkomst in eerste instantie om mensen draait en daarna pas om het werk en niet anders om. Mensen zijn eerder geneigd om in zee te gaan met iemand die hun inspireert dan iemand die alleen aan zijn eigen belang denkt.

Ben je van plan om te gaan of heb je zelf nog goede netwerk tips of info over andere netwerkbijeenkomsten laat een berichtje achter zodat jij ook anderen kan inspireren. Keep me up 2 date! Love 2 hear from you.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,


woensdag 8 juli 2015

How To Get More Inspiration In Your Life

Interested post I had to share.

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Punt! op het Fringe Festival 2015

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Punt! op het Fringe Festival 2015: Vanavond weer keihard aan de slag. Oneindige woordenvallen ritmisch verweven met voortdurende hart en golfslagen . Het mensbestaan ...

Punt! op het Fringe Festival 2015

Vanavond weer keihard aan de slag. Oneindige woordenvallen ritmisch verweven met voortdurende hart en golfslagen. Het mensbestaan verlangend naar vrijheid van leven in een wereld vol met tegenstrijdigheden. Wie bepaalt?
Check onze voorstelling RE/CON/NECT op het Fringe Festival in Amsterdam van 3-13 september.

ProducentKrater Art & Community
Begeleiding & eindregie: Milone Reigman
Begeleiding & Choreografie: Enver Liesdek & Carl Refos
Techniek: Ingeborg Slaats

Marlin Singer
Gershwin Bonevacia
Eva Cordu
Nadira Jansen
Jason de Vries
Cherelva Menig
Mwana Ellis
Quincy Hendriks
Merci Maduro

Volg ons op:

maandag 6 juli 2015

Blog Challenge Day 7 - Spotlight Interview with an African Fashion Designer

Earlier this year I got this great idea. As a creative artist I knew how tough the road sometimes can be for creative people. I wanted to spotlight all creative, innovative, inspiring people and give them a platform to share their story online. Usually you only get to see interviews of those who already made it to the top! I wanted to interview the journey of those who are on their way to the top! I believe people get more inspired by the stories they can truly relate to. I know I get inspired by hearing stories from people that really had to fight to get on the top! People like Nick Vujicic   His story will definitely change your perspective on problems in life and inspire you to live and work with what you have to the fullness. This is what my friend Mariana Zinga does. She is a hard worker going to school and has 2 jobs. An investment cause she has a dream. She is an African Fashion designer and just won a Fashion Award in Amsterdam. Listen to her whole story on: The Journey Of A Creative Artist

Let me know if you liked the interview. And if you loved it and would like to be interviewed to just let me know? I would love to hear the stories about your journey.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,


zondag 5 juli 2015

Blog Challenge Day 6 - Something Personal

This should be a very fun and easy blog to write. Talking about me, my own experiences. So let’s start. Anyone that knows me, knows I have a big love, A huge love, an inspirational, creative and challenging love for her. She lives across the ocean. When I talk about her I get butterflies inside, when I hear people calling her name everything inside of me lightens up. I don’t know what it is but I have a huge crush on Los Angeles.

I love her, I can’t stop talking about her. Whenever I’m at the airport, I just look at all the people that are walking around with their suitcases and then I start daydreaming about all the great holiday's I had in Los Angeles. I see myself walking and checking in, getting through the board, waiting to get in line to get on the airplane. In the airplane I always want to sit next to the window. Just like a child, I want to see the view, there are so many things I see through the clouds. My imagination goes wild and takes me to places I have never been when I look outside. Arriving at night is the best view you can get when you come to L.A

What is it that I love about Los Angeles?
The atmosphere. The weather, the sun, the ocean, the trees, the acting, spoken word/ poetry and stage plays. I have met some great inspiring and loving people out there. I love the motivation and support from the people around you. The creativity from starters to professionals. I love the whole inspirational and creative environment. In a land with so many opportunities and things to do, you cannot sit still. At least I can’t.
So, one of the things I usually do when I go to L.A is taking classes. Acting and Poetryclasses. There are so many qualify, great and affordable classes and workshops out there for everyone. Being born in the Caribbean makes me love the sun even more, so when I get to wake up in a place where there is sun, lovely breezes and great platforms to work on my skills, I feel like this is it! And having great, inspiring, powerful gospel churches preaching the word of God and singing praises that is when I can say, Yes I feel complete! That is the reason why I love L.A.

It is so important to be in a place where you can do what you love to do and be who you are. It also motivates to be surrounded by people that see your potentials and who believe in you. There has been a time when I felt really stuck in life. After graduating and not being able to find the job of my life I started to feel like I wasn’t being myself anymore. I wasn’t doing what I felt I was called to do. I was looking for work in the field I was hoping to work after graduation. But after writing and writing and sending my resume all around the place, I started to lose an inner strength and joy I had while I was still in school. In school, I felt I was getting ready for something. When I finished school that something turned out not be what it was supposed to be. But even when I felt stuck cause I couldn't find the job of my dreams, I felt this strong feeling knowing there is more inside of me. That feeling kept pushing me not to settle. I couldn’t clearly see where I was going, but I knew I had to do something. And that I had to keep the Faith, no matter my circumstances.

It couldn’t be that God created me just to give me a glimpse of joy and happiness and what could have been my life. As a firm believer I believe God gives us all talents and gifts to use so we can be a light in the world. Each and every person in his/her own way.  I believe that we are all made for greatness. We don’t all have to be the next president, but we can all be the best of ourselves in all that we do.  I also believe we all get or own dreams to complete. We shouldn’t go running to others to ask if they like our dreams. If God gives you a dream or a plan it is up to you to step out in faith and to work it out and not to someone else. Each and every person gets his/her own dream to fulfill. Unfortunately, not everybody takes that step of Faith cause of fear, doubt or any other reason. I hope you will not let fear, doubt or anything stop you to step out in Faith and to complete what you have been called to do. You can trust on it that you already have inside of you all that you need, to complete the task. Keep your eyes open cause God send recourses to you through different people and in different ways. And no matter what, always keep the Faith!

(A piece of me :) My funny and lovely experience on Santa Monica Beach. Unfortunately, I cannot turn the video, I tried everything)

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,


Blog Challenge Day 5 - Crowdfunding!

Yesterday I was on the set the whole day. It was a long, hot day. But I didn’t mind, cause I was there doing what I love to do: Acting. While I was waiting on my scene’s to be filmed I had some great conversations with the people that were working behind the scene’s. I was talking about my career plans. That is how I ended up on talking about crowdfunding sources for creative, innovative and educational projects. That is the information I want to share.

As a creative artist I know you might have tons of ideas or projects you want to complete. You have the best ideas on how to change the world, how to eat healthier, a life changing app, you know that the idea you have is a million dollar idea. Or maybe you just want to do something good for your community or for a specific group. You wonder and wonder If you could only get the right people to see your vision. It may feel like your limited cause you may not know the right people that could help invest in your ideas. Well, I hope that these tips may help you a step closer in realizing your dreams.
Times have changed and with the changes in technology and social media, we have so much more and other opportunities to raise money for our projects and ideas. We are not dependent on banks and rich fathers anymore. There is a whole new world outside there. It calls Crowdfundings. Crowd what? Crowdfunding.
You may have heard it before, be familiar with it or know someone who ever used it. I know someone that raised up 10.000$ for medical reasons. I also know that here in The Netherlands it’s yet not so familiar as in The States, but it’s growing more and more. I myself am about to use it for my own Poetry&Talkshow project. So continue to follow me if you want to stay up to date about my Poetry&Talkshow: The Voice of A Woman.

For all of you I have listed 3 of the best crowdfunings platforms that are out there and have proven the be worth to be in the top 3 list.
There are so many crowdfunding platforms out there, I thought it would be nice to know which are the ones you should definitely use if you are planning to raise money with crowdfunding. These are crowdfunding platforms you can use for everything you can imagine. So check it out.

1. Kickstarter
Kickstarter is a fundraising platform for everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter works with big and small projects. Any project is welcome, no matter the size. Since 2009, 9 million people have participated and raised up more than $1.8 billion, funding 88,000 creative projects. So do you have an idea or a project you want to do, why wait? Step out and take the first step to get your dream out there. Kickstarter

2. Indiegogo
I personally like the website and the clear instructions you get from Indiegogo. I have put up my concept and will be launching it later this year. Indiegogo is also a fundraising platform for anything you could imagine. For education, medical, arts, sports, business, community, technology anything. They started in 2008 and millions of people have participated. It’s a great platform and I personally heard great successful stories from Indiegogo. Indiegogo

3. Crowdfunder
While I was doing researches on the best crowdfunding platforms I came across Crowdfunder. It’s a crowdfunding platform being used within the states. It’s a platform for  raising investment. There are great businesses, celebrities, organizations and even the white house investing in great ideas and projects for entrepreneurs. I read that this is the fastest growing platform where successful investors, invest in new upcoming entrepreneurs or any other creative idea's. I saw a short video clip where they were on Fox News.
So if you have a great business plan or idea step out and contact Crowdfunder!

So I hope I  was able to help you with some resources that may help you starting your business or realizing that project you have been putting off because of finances. All roads lead to Rome.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,


vrijdag 3 juli 2015

Blog Challenge Day 4

Why are you not doing anything more with your show? 

Last year I had an amazing opportunity to perform my own production on stage. The production was a poetry and talkshow 2 in 1. In a creative way I wanted to talk about the highs and lows in a women's life and what influences that has on our self esteem. It was a wonderful, blessed show with spoken word, dance, music and art. All of these were in line with The Voice of A Woman. That was also the name of my show. Having the opportunity to bring this to other young ladies and females was a dream come true. We talked about women's issues that we normally don’t talk about in the open. We opened this dialogue with the audience by sharing our own stories through poetry first. We actually showed them our own vulnerability. What opened the door for the audience to share their stories. It was a beautiful and uplifting show. We talked about eating disorders, destructive relationships and the absence of a male rolmodel in the family, we talked about real and fake hair. These topics brought beautiful and inspiring discussions to the table. The discussions we normally don’t talk about.

Well, you probably think what is then the problem?
Well, after performing the show 3 times I wanted to continue, that has always been my dream. It was and it is my desire to bring the message to the young girls and ladies out there. I felt that I was finally being rewarded for all the hard work I did for the show. And for a moment I was. Unfortunately, I was not able to bring my show out there again. People sometimes forget that every project needs money. And so with this project? For my first 3 shows I invested all that I had in my show. Which I don’t regret at all. I absolutely believe in investing. That is one of the reasons I work so hard and travel 4 hours a day to go to my work. Not because I love all the traveling hours daily, but because I’m on a mission with a vision.

Well the thing that annoys me is that I have to explain  it over and over again, when people ask me about the show. Have you stopped? Why are you not doing anything? The answer is. No, I have not stopped, and I would love to perform my show in every theatre if I would get the change to bring my show out there once again. But the ugly truth is that even the small theatres ask for big money out here in The Netherlands. I would love to bring the show on stage again, of course. But the prices should be made much more affordable. Especially for individuals or small beginner groups. By asking prices from 1000$ minimum to rent a theatre makes it almost impossible for us smaller groups to share our productions. You would think that the theatres would have an understanding for small groups or beginners. Knowing that the economy has had a big attack on creative entrepreneurs. But they don't. There should be more cooperation between the big arts organizations and the creative entrepreneurs. Either a group or an individual. For example, being an individual artist I am not allowed to ask any subsidy. For that I have to become a foundation or a company first. But what If I want to discover and master the art of entrepreneurship first as a freelancer before I start building up a whole company. Building up a company or foundation brings a big responsibility with it. Not only for yourself, but also for others. And maybe you have not met the right people you want to work with and still have great ideas and projects. Than this system blocks you because you're not registered as a company or foundation. This I think is so irritating about the system.

To all the people out there, it’s not that I don’t want to, I am working and figuring out other ways to find sponsors and to start different crowdfunding campaigns so I can continue the show: The Voice of A Woman. Cause it’s my heart's desire to create productions and go around the globe to build up self esteem of other women who don’t know their uniqueness and gifts. Not because you haven’t seen me out in the field for a while doesn't mean I’m not working on my dreams.

Extra information: There are gonna be more shows in the future, I had 2 great meetings yesterday with new opportunities for the show. Follow me and stay up 2 date :)

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,

Nadira Jansen

donderdag 2 juli 2015

Visions, thoughts and dreams!: Blog Challenge Day 3

Midnight hours after 8 hours of work, 4 hours of traveling isn't really beneficial for my writing. I just rewrote my post. It's now fresh and new. Check it out! 

woensdag 1 juli 2015

Blog Challenge Day 3

Recently I bought a new book. I have fallen in love with reading books. So after reading Donald Trumps The way to success I bought TALK LIKE TED. I'm always reading and researching to see what all successful people have in common? I have noticed one thing they all have in common is great communication skills. They know how to present themselves in the best way possible, they know how to sell a project or an idea, they know how to get that fundraising or how to get that loan from the bank. I also believe the saying: Fortune favors the bold  
So I have been reading this book about TED TALK and there is something very interesting I want to share with you about launching a successful presentation. They call it the 3 Ps. Passion, Practice, Presence.

Passion: the 1st thing you have to keep in mind when you want to launch an idea or project. Be passionate about the topic. If you don’t love what you do, if you don't have a passion for that what you are doing? Soon as giants come your way the chances are big that you will quit what you are doing. The people that love what they do are usually the ones that find success. If you don’t have any passion or connection with what you are doing you are actually just wasting your time. Life is more than just making money. It's about finding your purpose and doing what you have been called to do. There are rich people out there making tons of money and not happy with life at all. So you have to be passionate about the thing you are doing and the idea you are selling.

Practice: the second P in presenting an idea or project is Practice, practice, practice. All the great speakers weren’t born as great speakers. They all had to practice for hours to become the best speakers they are today. No one gets born being successful. They say it takes 10.000 hours to master a skill. I believe in today's society, people often forget that everything has a process. Too many times it feels like the world only share success stories without sharing the hard work behind it. It would be an encouragement for people to push through when they also hear the ugly, fighting, crying, ruff part of a success story.

An example I would like to use is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs has been called to be one of the most charismatic business leaders in the world. His presentations have been called one of the best and inspiring presentations out there. That hasn’t always been like that. There has been a video shared online, where he had an interview in the mid 70’s. They say he was using notes he was nervous and looking pretty stiff. Can you believe it, using notes, nervous and being stiff. Steve Jobs? Think about all the things we would have missed if he decided to quit after a not so good presentation or even worse, after being fired from his own company. Yes around 1985 at 30 years old the board of his own company fired him. How crazy is that, being fired from the company you build. But his setback was a setup for a bigger, greater and better comeback. And there are many more stories like this. Read the story of Donald Trump, also very inspiring. It all comes down that the road to success is falling and getting back up again. Lately I have been asking myself who ever came up with the word failure. We shouldn’t be talking about failure, failure is a negative word. Everything and every step that we take no matter the size should be seen as a learning process. How can there be failures in life. Life is unique and special, nothing that we do in life should be seen as a failure but as life experiences. We need all small parts of the puzzle to complete the whole puzzle. How then can we see the small parts as a failure??? So that is a word that actually should be deleted out life’s dictionary. Practice makes perfect!
Presence: The way we move and walk the talk. While rehearsing your presentation you have to pay attention to how you sound (verbal delivery) and on how you look (body language). Do you believe what you say? If you don’t believe what you say, it will be seen in your whole body language. Be aware of your verbal and body language. How high or low is the speed you talk with? Do you speak loud or soft? What is the pitch you use? High or low inflections, do you use short pauses to punch keywords? Keep these things in mind whenever you are planning to launch an idea, speech or project. If you want to read more about this subject I highly recommend you to buy the book TALK LIKE TED. Especially if you want to learn more about communication, presentation and connecting with your audience. Every entrepreneur should learn how to communicate in the best way he or she can. And not only entrepreneurs, but also everyday people. Cause the way we communicate, the way we present ourself and our ideas is so important. It would be a missing chance, a big lost if you had a great idea but don't know how to sell it.
So don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard. Step out your comfort zone and challenge yourself daily to the next level. Fortune favors the bold!

I have a little surprise for everyone that wants to go into it a little bit deeper. If you have never heard of TED TALK you can also check it out online to see and learn more about great presentations. There is so much free information available to us through the internet. Just take a look. I personally loved the TED TALK by Caroline Casey. She is a great inspiration, check it out and you will understand why?

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
