Where it all begins
Where did it all begin? Can you remember the day that you woke up and realize that you wanted to be a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a dancer or an actrice? Being inspired by the people surrounding you or what you have seen on the TV or heard on the radio. Suddenly there was a fire inside of you and you where determent to be what you desired to be. Is that fire still burning or did it slowly go out during the years because of life and problems. know that it's nerver to late!
For a few days now I have been going to the bookstore 📖📕@ the Bijenkorf, to take a look at the bestelling book of 2018. Becoming. I have been listening to some 🎤🎬interviews from Michelle Obama and I was so impressed by how 💡intelligent but also how down to earth this 💁🏽♀️lady is. If there is something I don’t like, is people thinking they are better than everyone else just because they now have a title behind their name. This Woman spoke with so much wisdom about womanhood, 👨👩👧👦motherhood, education📕📖 identity, work and her life in the White House and life after the White House. If there is something I want and ❤️love to learn is how to become the best 💪🏾💁🏽♀️version of myself. That’s why I am eager to learn, to grow and to leave old and bad habbits ❌behind that don’t serve me. Her voice is the sound of a ordinairy Woman that had to work hard 💪🏾to become the person she is today and the Woman she is still becoming. Absolutely a ❤️must have.
Last Friday I had the privilege to sit and talk with Charis Kuwas
It was a beautiful, warm and inspirational conversation as if we knew each other for a long time. She really inspired me and I know she will inspire you too.
Charis Kuwas is a empowerment strategist and award winner from Pearls of the Dutch Caribbean 2017. She is the face behind Strong Wise Better and the B.O.S.S network events. Building Other Strong Sisters. In this interview she will be talking and sharing her journey on faith and purpose.
Take a seat, grab some tea or coffee and enjoy the interview.
A few days ago I had the privilege to sit and talk with this amazing, inspirational young lady. She was born in Colombia but is living in The Netherlands. She is a woman of faith. She is a strong single mother of a teenage daughter and she is a driven Woman of Purpose. After a burn out in 2016 she decided to pursue her passion in sport and health what led her to become the successful owner of Get Personal Now. In this interview we will be talking about faith, real life with it's ups and downs and purpose. Take a seat, get something to eat and drink and enjoy this powerful, inspirational and hilarious interview.
Check out mijn creatieve experiment. Een Online Commercial over meer culturele diversiteit op de Nederlandse buis en in de media in het algemeen.
Nederland is een samenleving van 17 miljoen mensen waarvan 3,8 miljoen een internationale achtergrond hebben. Ik heb dit filmpje gemaakt omdat ik, en zoveel anderen met mij een realistische spiegel van onze samenleving terug willen zien in de media, op tv, in films, in leidinggevende/ managementfuncties in het bedrijfsleven/ organisaties en op de cover van tijdschriften.
Na jarenlange dialogen gevoerd te hebben over dit onderwerp, is het tijd dat we onze krachten samenbundelen en zelf op, en uitstappen. Het maakt niet uit waar je begint en met wat je begint als je maar begint.
#I am a work in progress#
Music: Bensounds
Film equipment: Ipad 2
Other tripods can be used aswell: Tripod: https://amzn.to/2MCvvwp
Universal Tablet Holder: https://amzn.to/2QyMyTl
Like, share or subscribe to stay up to date.
Hello everybody,
May I introduce to you Auke VanderHoek. He is a photographer, journalist, writer, poët, husband and a father of two. Auke is known for his love for the community in Amsterdam Zuid oost/ Amsterdam south east/ Bijlmer, and the passion that he has for portret photo's. He recently wrote a poetry book: You, me and our lives. With his special sense of humor he talks about his fascination for the human being, love, life and fatherhood. A beautiful poetry book I highly recommend.
In this interview we will be talking about purpose, faith, love and relationships. If you want to be inspired, relax, sit down and join the conversation that I had with our 1st Man of Purpose Auke Vander Hoek.
More about Auke: www.aukevanderhoek.com
Book: www.bol.com or order your book from the website.
If you have any questions, just drop a comment. Know a man of Purpose that should definitely be on the talkshow let me know?
If you have been inspired don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
Ik stap uit m’n comfortzone en laat mijn stem horen. Ik ga een online commercial maken met drie andere topvrouwen. Arlene Arlène Lugiery, Jessica Riedewald en Ngombo Makaia Theresa waarmee ik het belang van meer culturele diversiteit o. a in de media op tv, in films on the cover of a magazine wil benadrukken. Als Antilliaanse jonge dame, ja want dat ben ik. Hou ik mijzelf nog al te vaak op de achtergrond, vanwege onzekerheid. Onzeker over mijn talenten, onzeker over mijn vaardigheden, onzeker of ik wel goed genoeg ABN spreek. Ik ben een perfectionist, maar perfectionistisch zijn heeft mij nooit echt goed gedaan. Het stagneert en blokkeert. Want het liefst wil ik opstaan en spreken. Spreken over het kromme systeem waarin we leven, spreken over een systeem wat mensen onderdrukt i.p.v kansen creëert, spreken over de slechte arbeidsomstandigheden in menig topbedrijven, spreken over de waardeloze nul urencontracten, spreken over het feit dat ik meer diversiteit op de Nederlandse buis wil zien.
Het is vandaag 2 augustus 2018 en we leven in een samenleving met 3,8 miljoen mensen met een internationale achtergrond. Een rijke culturele stad, met al zijn kleuren en geuren. Dit zou ik graag weer terug gereflecteerd willen zien op de buis, in de bioscoop of wanneer ik een magazine open sla. Maar ook wanneer ik binnen in een bedrijf naar de manager, leidinggevende of directeur vraag. Of wanneer ik een casting of modellenbureau binnenstap. Ja ik wil spreken en opstaan voor zovelen die nooit hun stem hebben durven laten horen, spreken voor hen die nog schuilen in hun onzekerheden omdat ze nooit kregen te horen hoe waardevol ze wel niet waren. Spreken voor hen die mischien de Nederlandse taal nog niet volledig beheersen, maar die wel vol potenties zitten. Veel te vaak schrijven wij mensen af omdat ze onze taal niet spreken. De taal van de politiek, de taal van het bedrijfsleven, de taal van ondernemers, we schrappen alles maar meteen af. I.p.v. te vragen wie ben je, wat zijn je talenten, wat zijn je gaven? Wat kan ik voor jou betekenen? Wat heb jij nodig om te stralen? Wat heb jij nodig om in je kracht te staan? Ik ben oprecht benieuwd wat maakt jou bijzonder? Wat maakt jou uniek?
Ik geloof en zie dagelijks zoveel potentie om me heen. Ik besef dat als we verandering willen zien, wij zelf de verandering moeten zijn en dat wij zelf de verandering moeten brengen. Daarom stap ik op uit m’n comfortzone en doe iets waarvan ik wellicht niet alle wegen weet. Maar het negeren van een verlangen, wetend dat ik niet de enige ben, en het besef van de kostbare tijd van het leven drijft mij nog meer om op te staan en m’n stem te laten horen. Er is niets erger dan stilletjes doodgaan en geen fouten durven maken. Draai het om “geen fouten durven maken is stilletjes doodgaan”. Dus ik ga iets nieuws uitproberen, en wil iedereen die het belang van culturele diversiteit in de media, op tv, film, in het bedrijfsleven support, begrijpt of inziet oproepen om het volgende te doen:
Ga op een herkenbare locatie staan in de stad waar je woon. Bijv: De dam, Scheveningen, Domplein, CS, de grachten etc. Maak een korte video opname van jezelf waarin je in één zin vertel waarom culturele diversiteit zo belangrijk is. Bijv: Omdat Culturele Diversiteit de samenleving verrijkt. Omdat: Culturele Diversiteit vernieuwing brengt. Omdat: Culturele Diversiteit................................ Let op dat we goed kunnen zien op welke locatie je sta.
De oproep is voor iedereen. Alle kleuren, blank, zwart wit of bruin, jong, oud, klein, dik, dun, iedereen die het belang van culturele diversiteit inziet.
Stuur het op naar mij: nadira58@live.nl En dan zorg ik dat ook jou stem gezien en gehoord zal worden. Ik ga de commercial/scène verwerken met alle filmpjes zodat het een geheel wordt. Een online commercial van ons allemaal.
Ik stap uit m’n comfortzone en laat mijn stem horen. Ik ga een online commercial maken met drie andere topvrouwen. Arlene Arlène Lugiery, Jessica Riedewald en Ngombo Makaia Theresa waarmee ik het belang van meer culturele diversiteit o. a in de media op tv, in films on the cover of a magazine wil benadrukken. Als Antilliaanse jonge dame, ja want dat ben ik. Hou ik mijzelf nog al te vaak op de achtergrond, vanwege onzekerheid. Onzeker over mijn talenten, onzeker over mijn vaardigheden, onzeker of ik wel goed genoeg ABN spreek. Ik ben een perfectionist, maar perfectionistisch zijn heeft mij nooit echt goed gedaan. Het stagneert en blokkeert. Want het liefst wil ik opstaan en spreken. Spreken over het kromme systeem waarin we leven, spreken over een systeem wat mensen onderdrukt i.p.v kansen creëert, spreken over de slechte arbeidsomstandigheden in menig topbedrijven, spreken over de waardeloze nul urencontracten, spreken over het feit dat ik meer diversiteit op de Nederlandse buis wil zien.
Het is vandaag 2 augustus 2018 en we leven in een samenleving met 3,8 miljoen mensen met een internationale achtergrond. Een rijke culturele stad, met al zijn kleuren en geuren. Dit zou ik graag weer terug gereflecteerd willen zien op de buis, in de bioscoop of wanneer ik een magazine open sla. Maar ook wanneer ik binnen in een bedrijf naar de manager, leidinggevende of directeur vraag. Of wanneer ik een casting of modellenbureau binnenstap. Ja ik wil spreken en opstaan voor zovelen die nooit hun stem hebben durven laten horen, spreken voor hen die nog schuilen in hun onzekerheden omdat ze nooit kregen te horen hoe waardevol ze wel niet waren. Spreken voor hen die mischien de Nederlandse taal nog niet volledig beheersen, maar die wel vol potenties zitten. Veel te vaak schrijven wij mensen af omdat ze onze taal niet spreken. De taal van de politiek, de taal van het bedrijfsleven, de taal van ondernemers, we schrappen alles maar meteen af. I.p.v. te vragen wie ben je, wat zijn je talenten, wat zijn je gaven? Wat kan ik voor jou betekenen? Wat heb jij nodig om te stralen? Wat heb jij nodig om in je kracht te staan? Ik ben oprecht benieuwd wat maakt jou bijzonder? Wat maakt jou uniek?
Ik geloof en zie dagelijks zoveel potentie om me heen. Ik besef dat als we verandering willen zien, wij zelf de verandering moeten zijn en dat wij zelf de verandering moeten brengen. Daarom stap ik op uit m’n comfortzone en doe iets waarvan ik wellicht niet alle wegen weet. Maar het negeren van een verlangen, wetend dat ik niet de enige ben, en het besef van de kostbare tijd van het leven drijft mij nog meer om op te staan en m’n stem te laten horen. Er is niets erger dan stilletjes doodgaan en geen fouten durven maken. Draai het om “geen fouten durven maken is stilletjes doodgaan”. Dus ik ga iets nieuws uitproberen, en wil iedereen die het belang van culturele diversiteit in de media, op tv, film, in het bedrijfsleven support, begrijpt of inziet oproepen om het volgende te doen:
Ga op een herkenbare locatie staan in de stad waar je woon. Bijv: De dam, Scheveningen, Domplein, CS, de grachten etc. Maak een korte video opname van jezelf waarin je in één zin vertel waarom culturele diversiteit zo belangrijk is. Bijv: Omdat Culturele Diversiteit de samenleving verrijkt. Omdat: Culturele Diversiteit vernieuwing brengt. Omdat: Culturele Diversiteit................................ Let op dat we goed kunnen zien op welke locatie je sta.
De oproep is voor iedereen. Alle kleuren, blank, zwart wit of bruin, jong, oud, klein, dik, dun, iedereen die het belang van culturele diversiteit inziet.
Stuur het op naar mij: nadira58@live.nl En dan zorg ik dat ook jou stem gezien en gehoord zal worden. Ik ga de commercial/scène verwerken met alle filmpjes zodat het een geheel wordt. Een online commercial van ons allemaal.
Wo(Man) of Purpose
I have been feeling it on my heart for a while now, to start interviewing Man of Purpose as well. I believe man and woman both carry great wisdom within. Solomon was a great and wise man full of wisdom. It is a good thing to seek wisdom, I believe that we both can learn from one another. I think it is good to open up a dialogue, to brainstorm and to exchange words of wisdom with one another on faith and purpose.
So if you are a man of purpose, are you calling out and doing what God has called you to do, I would like to connect with you.
Ladies if you know great man of God out there that are walking out there purpose, let them connect with me.
Love to hear from you.
The fire that burns deep within, that screams to be release, to have a voice and to be free. That is how I feel with acting. I don't want to be like everybody else, I was created to be me.
So these last few days I was able to borrow my moms Ipad, so I immediately started to discover the Ipad and Imovie functions. And I did. I created this interesting trailer about the lines between love and hate.
Check it out and let me hear what you think of it. Only watch part 2 if you can handle it!
Last Sunday on my way to church, I got so touched by the testimony of Steve Harvey. I have been reading his book Act like A succes, Think like a succes. Such a powerful and inspirational book. It is real, encouraging, especially when you feel stuck and can't seem to find your purpose. He lays it all down. The differences between talents and gifts, The excitement, the joy, the pain, the tears, the strength, the hope and the faith. He asks confronting questions and gives you assignments to confront your own self and the keys to discover and to fulfill your true purpose.
I love it! Highly recommended.
Have you ever had someone that tried to put the lid on your jar. I would love to hear your testimony about that. Comment bellow and let me know.
Discount links:
Book: Act like a succes, Think like a Succes:
Nook/Tablet/E reader: https://amzn.to/2K84R2f
If you have been inspired, share to inspire someone else, like, share and subscribe.
Support your sister, support your sister :)
Well guys this a photo collage I made last time when I was in Los Angeles. Looking back at this is what gives me great joy, inspiration and energy. We all have that thing that reminds us on our dreams and the vision God gave us. For me that is LA. I always get a powerboost when I only just talk about LA. It is the place of big dreamers and big believers. Whenever I need my powerboost or my energy up I scroll through my pictures and look at the things I achieved. Enjoy the photo/video collage of LA.
Let me know what is your thing that gives you your energyboost back?
Music Elevation Worship - Here as in Heaven: https://amzn.to/2JUpdMi
I do not own the rights to this music.
Must reads
Believe Bigger/Discover the path to your life purpose by Marshawn Evans Daniels: https://amzn.to/2M0R8Xn
Secrets of the Millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker: https://amzn.to/2tuWNgS
Don't settle for safe by Sarah Jakes Roberts:
The Principles and Power of Vision by Dr. Myles Munroe
Hey beautiful people
I'm doing it again. A new video is online :):)
Sometimes we can be overwhelmed by the things of life. In those situation it is good to go back or find that thing that brings you back your joy, that remembers you of what you are capable of, that thing that keeps your childhood dream alive. We all have that thing, that memory, that smell, that sound, that word, that promise, just that one thing that gives you back your energy boost to keep pressing forward, to keep pushing through and to hold on, to that dream that God placed within you.
I will be sharing some of my accomplishments, dreams and that thing that always gives me my powerboost back. Those who know me allready know what it is? Hahahahahahahhahahah Check out part 2 for the answer.
Don't forget to support your sister. Go to my Youtube channel by clicking on the link. Like, share to inspire and subscribe to stay up to date.
Wo(man) of Purpose, As some of you may know, and some are just hearing it now. In 2013 I published my very 1st poetrybook: VisionsThoughts&Dreams.
It is my 1st baby, and I share a lot about my journey in this book. It's a book about life, love, faith and purpose. If you want some inspiration, if you want to encourage someone else, or just want to support take a look in the kindle store on Amazon and purchase a poetrybook. It's a E-book so you will receive it right away and you can read it on all of your devices. Just click the link.
Last week I had the privilege to be a guest in the christian entrepreneurs podcast. The host Annemarie Cross of the show saw one of my Woman of Purpose interviews on Instagram and invited me to be part of the podcast. I am thankful for this opportunity and I really want to encourage you ladies as well to embrace the talents and gifts God has given you and start with what you got, start with where you are right now, start doing what God has called you to do! Don't wait for the perfect moment, the perfect moment is now!
You say you love God?
You say you believe in God?
But do you love yourself?
Do you believe in yourself?
"When God created you He said it was good",
Many people believe and love God, yet don't celebrate and believe in themselves?
I believe this is one of the obstacles in walking out your purpose. When God created you He said it was good, He created you unique, in His perfect image and likeness, with your unique talents and gifts yet we try to meld in and be what everybody else is doing or what other expect from us. My revelation. (I got to be honest here). We try so hard not to be like the world. But how many of us get lost in being like everybody in church. There is a culture in the world but there is also a culture in the church. We got to be careful that we do not become religious like the religious people back in the days of Christ. They all dressed the same, talked the same, walked the same and preached the same. They had beautiful words but no revelations. Their lives did not represented anything what God stands for. Love and acceptance. When was the last time you genuinely spoke, listened and show interest in that person in church but also to that man or woman outside in the world. Christ didn't look like nobody, He walked with all people, the prostitute, the liar, the thief, the prisoner and He never judged them. His ministry was also not limited by the four walls of the church building. He was out there!. He rocked His own outfit and talked totally the opposite of what the high priest were preaching. He only did what the Father told him and He embraced his uniqueness. He knew who He was with confidence. He didn't shy away from who He was and what He was born to do! And the most beautiful of His character, He never placed himself above anyone and with dignity he would also serve.
Revelation: Don't forget to love yourself? How do you do that? Start with being honest with yourself? How do you talk to yourself, How do you talk and treat other people? Are you positive or constantly tearing people down. This is a reflection of your own self worth. If you cannot celebrate somebody else that means you cannot celebrate yourself. Pray and ask God to get to the root of this and to create in you a clean heart and a right spirit. Than start speaking life into yourself, tell yourself all the things God would tell you? Start being thankful for what you have instead of looking at what you miss. Encourage yourself? Allow yourself to live and enjoy life? Eat and have a healthy lifestyle. Get rid of all the toxic thoughts and words you speak to and over yourself. Believe in yourself, take leaps of faith, listen to your heart desires and dreams. God gives you them, allow them to live. When you do that you embrace who God created you to be. Be your Unique self! You are created in His image and in His likeness. Look in the mirror and see God in you.
Genesis 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
What are your thoughts about this subject? Have you experienced this?
Have you too forgot at one point to believe in yourself? What did this do to you and how did you tackled it?
Are we all sugarcoating our real life? Check out my latest video about Authenticity and perfection!
If you like this video make sure you go to my YouTube channel just click on the video. like, subscribe and share.
#IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONMYTV expresses how I feel about the need for more color on TV, the big screen, on the cover of a magazine and on TOP! Living in a place with so much cultural diversity and so much creative talents like actors, actressess, hosts and when we turn on the dutch TV it is no true reflection of reality. Being a afro carribean woman I want to be able to relate with what I see on TV. It's a shame that we been having these same discussion/dialogues for more than 20 /30 years and still so little changes. There are more than 2 or 3 black actors living in The Netherlands. That's the reason for my own home made commercial, call it what you want but I call it #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONMYTV
I call up every creative writer, filmmaker, actors, actressess, hosts anyone with a passion for media, entertainment, fashion or business to stand up, connect and create and bring the change we want to see and leave behind!
Like, Share, Support and Comment below if you agree and would also like to see more color on your TV.
Hello Beautiful People,
Last week we had kingsday in the Netherlands. This inspired me to dress up and own that day like a queen and experiment with fabulous colors.
I am also sharing my opinion as a carribean actress and my desire on more color on the TV. Yes I want to see more color on my dutch TV, on the big screen, the media, fashion and on Top! We live in a place with so many cultural diversity I want to see that reflected when I look at my TV or open up a magazine. Unfortunately this is not the case, after years and years of speaking on how to bring that change. I believe the change is only gonna come when we ourself rise up and start creating our own content/film/tv series/magazines and businesses. I want to see more black filmwriters, I want to see more black TV productions, I want to see more black filmmakers, I want to see more black actors and actresses in a tv serie or on the big screen. I want to see more black hosts on tv, I want to see more color on my TV. I want to see more color on the cover of a magazine, I want to see more color on TOP!
As a woman of Purpose, a woman of Faith, I also want this with faithcontent! In the states I know they are very active, in Africa they are very active in writing and producing faith entertainment tv shows/films/stageplays. Where are my brothers and sisters here in The Netherlands?
Drop a message if you can relate, lets brainstorm, lets start creating and bring a light and colorshift!
Woman of Purpose that are stepping out:
NMJ Productions - Poetry&Talkshow Trailer The Voice of A Woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI_RH...
Faith Inspirational Entertainment: APOM - www.facebook.com/cvandenes
House interieur - House of Shira: https://www.houseofshira.com/
African Fashion - Designs by Mariana: www.designsbymariana.com - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlgw1...
Dont forget to like, share and subscribe.
Last year I auditioned for some commercials here in the Netherlands. I enjoyed and had so much fun at the audition and the making off. I went in as me, claiming it was for me! I am very happy and thankful for these commercials. God knows how many years I have tried to get into auditions here. As a black woman living in The Netherlands, yes I am light skinned but I see myself as a black woman I advocate for more color on tv. More color in movies, more color in the media, more color on the cover of a magazine. It is a shame living in a place with so many cultural diversity and then when you turn on the tv, watch a movie or open up a magazine it is no real reflection of reality! #IWANTTOSEEMORECOLORONMYTV
Comment below and let me know if you agree with more color on TV?
Comment below if you are a woman of color/ light skinned or black active in film/tv/media or passionate about film/tv/media?
Woman of Purpose,
May I introduce to you the young lady that has been one of the leading roles in my journey to Christ. Her name is Elisa Makay Muntjewerf. We met in 2004 and have been friends and sisters in Christ since then. She is a great woman of faith, a beautiful wife and mother of three beautiful children and a beautiful angel in heaven. She is the owner and creator of House of Shira. House of Shira family design is a interieur and lifestyle brand. The purpose of House of Shira is to bring back and highlight the name of God in our everyday houses. In a inspirational and modern way that will inspire the hearts of everyday people.
In this interview we will be talking about life, faith, God and purpose. A inspirational and transformational interview. That is the ultimate goal of this interview to activate your faith and to seek after the heart of God, our first assignment. After that you will find your true purpose here on earth. Cause we all have been given a assignment to fulfill, and to walk out in this time and age. There is a reason for your being, there is a reason for your existence. Check out the full interview and listen to the beautiful story that led to the birth of House of Shira.
More info:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HouseofShirahttps://www.facebook.com/HouseofShira2
Instagram: HouseofShira or connect with Elisa Makay.
If you have been inspired by this interview and you like it. Thumbs up.
Share it to inspire someone else.
Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date for more interviews.
Leave a comment below if you have any questions, tips or anything. We would love to hear from you.
Join the group and connect with us on Woman of Purpose FB page:
I finally get to share this amazing interview with you. Last week I had the privilege to sit with this young beautiful and intelligent sisterJovanka Pigot. She is a woman of faith, she has her own advice and counceling agency in law and legal rights. She helps entrepreneurs with their contracts and rights. But she also organizes International Christian Events/Conferences to empower and activate woman to step up and to step out!
Jovanka is a strong woman of Faith that strongly believes in being the head and not the tail. She believes in not just dreaming, but in living your dreams. In stepping up and walking out your Faith.
Let's step up, step out, connect and support one another in walking out our purpose.
Conference information:
Make sure you come and be inspired by the Woman of Grace Conference. On 20 & 21 of April.
Tickects: www.eventbrite.nl more info www.womanofgrace.us
Woman of Purpose,
I am so, so, so blessed to be able to introduce this powerful woman of purpose. I would like you ladies to meet Francisca Payne. She is a powerful woman of God helping other ladies to walk out their purpose. She is a life calling strategist, a coach, a international speaker and a christian author. She coaches woman all over the world. "If you don't know how to walk out your calling, she will support you and help you with practical tools so you can continue your journey succesfully".
If you are looking for a effective coach or inspirational speaker with a foundation in God, Francisca is the powerwoman you need.
Full Interview: https://youtu.be/t4-aIswFHs0
More info about Francisca:
Facebook - personal: https://www.facebook.com/payne1978
Facebook - business: www.facebook.com/franciscapayne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paynefran...
Her books are available in every online bookstore and through her website: http://franciscapayne.com/books/
Follow Francisca on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/francisca_p...
Ladies if you have been inspired by this interview: You know the drill: Thumbs up! for Like!!!!
Share it with your co workers, family, friends, sisters anyone that can use some inspiration.
Subscribe to stay up to date for more interviews with great, powerful ladies of purpose!
And connect with us on our FB page: Woman of Purpose: https://www.facebook.com/groups/18637...